Wal-Mart Going Green (?)

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Wal-Mart Going Green (?)

Post by ComandanteCero »

i have a feeling there was another thread on this subject, but i couldn't find it (if one of the mods knows where it is, feel free to merge/lock this)

http://www.grist.org/news/muck/2006/07/ ... index.html
The Writing on the Wal-Mart
Al Gore takes his green message to Wal-Mart headquarters

By Amanda Griscom Little
19 Jul 2006
Picture Al Gore standing in a modest auditorium deep in America's heartland before an exultant crowd of Wal-Mart employees, comparing their campaign to lighten the company's environmental footprint to the Allies' righteous struggle in World War II. This after Rev. Jim Ball, head of the Evangelical Environmental Network, likened the giant retailer's greening efforts to the work of Jesus Christ.

[the article goes on for a bit about Al Gore's presentation, and the political implications of all of it, figured i'd cut to the chase though, but check out the original link if you want to see that]

The Odd Couple

The pairing up of Gore, this season's It Boy in Hollywood and other left-leaning circles, and Wal-Mart, the goliath retailer loved in red states and loathed in blue cities, seems bizarre on its face -- and couldn't have happened before this year. But now, with Gore trying to spread climate awareness beyond the choir and Scott trying to give Wal-Mart a high-profile green makeover, the match actually makes sense.

Last October, Scott pledged to transform his sprawling company, which employs 1.8 million people worldwide and ranks No. 2 on the Fortune 500 list, into a lean green machine powered exclusively by renewable energy, producing zero waste, and selling sustainable products. Those goals are so lofty they sound downright deluded, but Scott has followed them up with specific, seemingly achievable commitments and timetables. He aims, for example, to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions at Wal-Mart's existing stores and distribution centers 20 percent by 2012, and invest $500 million in environmental improvements each year.

Andy Ruben, Wal-Mart's vice president for corporate strategy and sustainability, reasons that the 100 percent renewable-energy goal could be met largely with greater efficiencies. "We can use 70 percent less energy to do what we're doing today, and supply the rest with renewables," Ruben suggested at last week's meeting.

The gathering brought forth more green goals from divisions throughout the company. In the area of seafood, Wal-Mart is working with the World Wildlife Fund to identify, and purchase exclusively from, sustainable fisheries. It's moving toward organic cottons in its apparel and bedding lines. The jewelry division is developing a sustainable certification program for the gold mines it works with, and exploring outlets for recycled gold. The transportation division is planning to double the efficiency of its truck fleet, one of the largest in the U.S., within a decade. The construction division is developing prototype stores that are 30 percent more energy-efficient than current stores, and the company also aims to improve efficiency at existing stores by 20 percent. The packaging department is working to eliminate its waste stream by 2015, using reusable, recycled, and biodegradable containers.

The produce division is ramping up its organic offerings, and plans to move toward more local farm purchases in order to save money on truck fuel costs and refrigeration. Ron McCormick, an executive in Wal-Mart's produce division, said he plans to purchase a broader variety of produce based on what's available in each region, rather than insisting on a "monoculture" of produce at stores nationwide. "Our whole focus is: How can we reduce food-miles?"

These internal aims aside, Scott said Wal-Mart's most meaningful environmental impact will be in nudging its 60,000 suppliers toward more eco-friendly practices -- working with them, for instance, to reduce packaging, which in turn would mean fewer raw materials consumed, less energy expended in transit, and, in the end, lower prices for consumers. "Ninety percent of the impact Wal-Mart can have is on the supply chain," he said.

Wal-Mart's Ruben, who this spring testified before a Senate committee in favor of federal greenhouse-gas regulations, also acknowledged that in addition to the 23 million tons of CO2 equivalent that Wal-Mart emits each year, there are an estimated 220 million tons of annual greenhouse-gas emissions in the company's supply chain.

Scott's grand goal, as he explained it in an interview with Grist this spring, is to "democratize sustainability." To wit: He wants to use Wal-Mart's unparalleled economies of scale to put everything from organic T-shirts to compact fluorescent light bulbs to pesticide-free foods within reach of the masses.

Of course, he believes this green push will make the company money. "The benefits of the strategy are undeniable, whether you look through the lens of greenhouse-gas reduction or the lens of cost savings. What has become so obvious is that [a green strategy] provides better value for our customers."

Another unspoken effect is likely a boost to employee morale. In recent years, the company seemed beset from all sides by impassioned detractors and bad publicity -- the 2005 documentary Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, sexual-harassment lawsuits filed in 2004 and 2005, ubiquitous union campaigns protesting poor worker treatment, and fights against proposed stores in communities from California to Maine.

Now, Wal-Mart bigwigs -- and maybe even lowly "associates" -- finally have something they can feel good about: being part of the biggest corporate greening in history. If the energy in the room at last week's meeting was any indication, Wal-Mart managers these days are feeling right fine about their jobs.

Many of Wal-Mart's multitudinous critics aren't mollified, of course. The company's environmental goals are not being accompanied by notable progress in other areas like labor standards and gender equity. And so far the green talk is largely just that -- talk.

But some environmentalists are hopeful. "If they do even half what they say they want to do, it will make a huge difference for the planet," said Ashok Gupta of the Natural Resources Defense Council, who attended the meeting. "It definitely seems that Wal-Mart is really serious."

Former Sierra Club President Adam Werbach, who's reportedly signed on to work as a consultant for Wal-Mart, has also lent his cred to the retailer's green goals. Environmental Defense is so optimistic that it's opening an office in Bentonville, with an employee wholly dedicated to coordinating with Wal-Mart. (Can it be a coincidence that Sam Walton Jr., son of board chair Rob Walton, sits on the board of Environmental Defense?)

Maybe these enviros can push the company even further -- to site its stores in downtown, mixed-use neighborhoods, set green requirements for all its suppliers, add green roofs and other eco-friendly features to all its facilities, not just pilot projects, and educate its 176 million weekly customers about the virtues of sustainable living.

In the meantime, though, Gore's got some advice for Wal-Mart's leaders: "Following through [on your environmental goals] is the single most important thing that can be done in this country to transform the relationship between NGOs and business," he said, explaining that critics will otherwise be able to say, "'See there, I told you they weren't serious.'"

Gore was quick to add that he, for one, is not a cynic: "Have you ever known Wal-Mart not to follow through on a big commitment of this kind? I have not myself. I believe it's the kind of journey that once you start, you continue."
Last edited by ComandanteCero on Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wal-Mart Going Green (?)

Post by nota »

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Re: Wal-Mart Going Green (?)

Post by ComandanteCero »

ah ok, thanks.  I guess both topics are different enough that this thread can run on.
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Re: Wal-Mart Going Green (?)

Post by Long »

As much as I despise Wal-Mart, if they can prove to the masses that you can actually make money by going green, and bust the myth that going green is more expensive or is bad for the economy, I'm all for it.

My fear is that the accepted standards of "green", "organic", etc. will slide if Wal-Mart figures out they can make more money by being a little less green.
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