Barcelona & Madrid, part 1 (mostly Barcelona -- lots and lots of pictures)

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Barcelona & Madrid, part 1 (mostly Barcelona -- lots and lots of pictures)

Post by phuqueue »

So last week, I got to take a quick trip to Spain courtesy of rock bottom fares on Lufthansa.  Unfortunately I couldn't get out of work for any longer than that, but I tried to make the best of it anyway.  I'm not much of a photographer, I've barely even touched a camera before this trip, but I figured people here might be interested in seeing these cities anyway.  Hopefully whatever I lack in mad photography skillz is made up for by the beauty and greatness of the cities themselves.

In any case, onwards.

Sunday, February 1


Landed to near-blizzard conditions -- except with no accumulation to speak of, beyond a bit of slush in the streets.  Probably the heaviest snowfall I've ever seen without any real accumulation.  This photo doesn't really capture it, as it had largely let up by this point.  This view is from the stairs leading down to the Metro station from the train station at Chamartin toward the Cuatro Torres area.


We had about nine hours to kill before catching our train to Barcelona, so we just wandered around the area a bit.  I only snapped these two pictures before we headed off, though.  This one is the Puerta de Europa.

Monday, February 2


The view from the balcony of the apartment we were staying at.  We were on the second floor (by European numbering, with the ground floor numbered zero) on Carrer de la Marina near the Olympic Village.


Later in the evening, just wandering around the city.  This intersection is in the Barceloneta/Port Vell area, near La Rambla.


La Rambla.



La Rambla and Placa Catalunya, looking west away from both.

Tuesday, February 3


Tuesday afternoon, walking along Carrer de la Marina on our way to the Sagrada Familia.





Friend wanted a shot of the pattern on this building.



Sagrada Familia



Can't really see it in this shot, but across the street from the church were, among other things, a Pizza Hut, McDonald's, and KFC.  Obviously these places are all over Europe and the rest of the world, but the juxtaposition of Pizza Hut (which is visible in the full resolution version of this picture, but isn't really discernible here except as a small red banner on the corner) and the Sagrada Familia was a little too much for me to pass up.



Couple shots of the side.



Continuing on, we had no particular destination in mind and were just wandering the streets in a more or less northwesterly direction.














Eventually we ended up at Gaudi's Parc Guell.  Unfortunately it was starting to get a little dark and a lot of my pictures here didn't really come out.


The two towers in the distance on the left stand near the Olympic Village and are two of the tallest buildings in Barcelona.  They're also a handy way to mark our starting point, since, as I mentioned previously, we were only a couple blocks inland from there.




Closer in on the towers, with Sagrada Familia to the left.



Parc Guell in the foreground, looking out toward the city and the Mediterranean.


A shot of the actual park itself and one of the few that came out all right.


Back in the city, walking toward the nearest Metro stop to catch a train back to La Marina.


Found this library along the way, thought it was a cool building.



Back at Marina, looking toward the sea.  You can see one of the towers, Hotel Arts, in the middle of the picture.  The other, Torre Mapfre, is mostly obscured by trees and lights, but there's a little of it in there.

Wednesday, February 4


I feel like this could have been an interesting photo if I knew what I was doing.  This is another shot at the courtyard outside the apartment from the balcony.  Every morning that dog was out there with his owners.  They'd have a brief conversation and see each other off for the day while throwing the ball around for the dog.  The owners are up in the top corner and if I were more familiar with photography it may have occurred to me to capture them totally within the frame, but instead I was just paying attention to the dog.  Oh well.


Another shot out toward La Marina from the balcony.  Not sure why I felt compelled to keep taking this same shot; the view really doesn't change from day to day, but the city was just so beautiful that I couldn't help but grab the camera each morning when I stepped out there onto the balcony.


Today we head to Montjuic.  In all honesty, the real draw here was the funicular, not the castle or anything else.  Unfortunately, the funicular was closed for three weeks beginning the very day that we arrived for routine maintenance.  I was really disappointed, but we still caught a bus up the hill to visit the castle.


View of the harbor from the castle.








While we were looking out at the city, this guy rode by on his bike.  We could hear him singing quite clearly from where we were.


This is how far away he was.


Took a bunch of shots of the city from the top of the hill, even though most of them came out somewhat blurry (not sure if this is the limitations of my camera, my "abilities" as a photographer, or most likely, some combination thereof).



Heading back down the hill.


Standing in the Placa Catalunya, looking toward La Rambla.


The area around the University of Barcelona.


Near the Arc de Triomf.


No matter how many times I see it, I just never quite get over how seamlessly Europeans can integrate cars into the urban fabric.  Here the entrance to a parking garage takes up no more space than any other storefront.  Pretty typical, though.  Car dealerships tend to be the same way, just regular storefronts nestled among all the rest.


The Arc de Triomf.



Looking through the Arc toward the Parc de la Ciutadella.


And back toward the intersection in front of the Arc.


Heading down the promenade toward the park.


Looking back toward the Arc.


When we got into the Parc, it was getting too dark to really get any good pictures.  Still, there was a demonstration going on outside the Catalonian Parliament, so I tried anyway.  This is the only shot I got that even marginally came out, unfortunately.  My Spanish is bad and I don't speak any Catalan, but I gathered that they were protesting America, which came as no big shock I guess.

Thursday, February 5


I started the final day in Barcelona wandering around Barceloneta in the Ciutat Vella (old city) district.



The big building on the left that does not fit in at all with the rest of the architecture is a grocery store.  I just stumbled upon this square with no idea that it was there.  Actually, that happened a lot in both Barcelona and Madrid.


Port Vell


"The Prawn King"  Sign me up.


Looking across Port Vell toward Montjuic.  You can't really tell in this picture, but the top of that hill is the castle we visited on Wednesday.  Just snapped the pic to create a sense of where these various places are relative to each other.


This is a different angle on the same intersection (Via Laietana & Passeig d'Isabell II) that I got during the first night in Barcelona (this picture)


Looking down Ronda del Litoral, which is actually a freeway, but here it's buried and there's a beautiful waterfront promenade on top of it, toward the Placa del Portal de la Pau at the southeast end of La Rambla, home of the statue of Christopher Columbus.


Closer shot of Columbus, with Montjuic Castle in the background.


The statue of Christopher Columbus


Heading northwest along La Rambla.  This was the deadest I'd seen it, but you can see the weather wasn't really amazing -- not to mention it was the middle of a weekday in February.


Started to run into a few people as I progressed toward Placa Catalunya.


Gran Teatre del Liceu


Placa Catalunya, quite a bit busier than La Rambla.


I liked the giant thermometer on the side of this building, which was just southeast of Placa Catalunya on the Avinguda del Portal de l'Angel (which runs parallel to and north/northeast of La Rambla).  As you can see, for as bad as the weather looks, it wasn't actually especially cold -- about 14 degrees (57 F).  It had been even warmer before the clouds and rain moved in earlier in the day.


Urquinaona, heading northeast from Placa Catalunya.


Same spot, just a little further to the right.  In retrospect I'm not sure why I took both of these pictures when one would have sufficed.







Hard to tell, but in the distance beyond this alley is the Arc de Triomf.



The Zoological Museum in the Parc de la Ciutadella.


Catalonian Parliament, with the two towers in the background.


This mammoth statue was in the park next to the parliament building.  There were a couple kids hanging out underneath it, but they are mostly obscured by the legs in this shot.


Catalonian Parliament.


At this point my camera battery died and I wasn't able to get anymore pictures before we left Barcelona.  How disappointing.  I headed back to the apartment, packed up, and we headed to the train station to take the overnight train back to Madrid.

(Part 2)
Last edited by phuqueue on Sun Feb 15, 2009 11:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Barcelona & Madrid, part 1 (mostly Barcelona -- lots and lots of pictures)

Post by Midtownkid »

Ugg.  Your pictures are making me miss BCN so much!!  I lived there for 4 months 2 years ago.  I gotta get back!!  Maybe I didn't see all your pics, but did you get into the Gothic quarter?  It's fun to get lost in there!
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Re: Barcelona & Madrid, part 1 (mostly Barcelona -- lots and lots of pictures)

Post by phuqueue »

Midtownkid wrote: Ugg.  Your pictures are making me miss BCN so much!!  I lived there for 4 months 2 years ago.  I gotta get back!!  Maybe I didn't see all your pics, but did you get into the Gothic quarter?  It's fun to get lost in there!
It was obviously really close to where we were staying, but unfortunately I didn't get much of an opportunity to explore it too much.  I think I was just skirting the very fringes of it during my walk between Placa Catalunya and the Arc de Triomf on Thursday.  There's really a ton of stuff in Barcelona (and Madrid, for that matter) that I didn't get a chance to do since I was only there for a few days, and even a lot of stuff that I did do, I couldn't really do properly, like Parc Guell, where we showed up as it was getting dark and everything was shutting down, or Montjuic, where the funicular was closed.  I'd really like to get back and do both cities with a decent amount of time to really take in everything.
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Re: Barcelona & Madrid, part 1 (mostly Barcelona -- lots and lots of pictures)

Post by Midtownkid »

That's a damn shame!  Well, at least you did get to Park Guell and the Citadel park (w/ the arch).  And it looks like you hit up Passage de Gracia too.  Las Ramblas is technically part of the 'old city' but the best parts are around the cathedral and El Born.  Well, if you ever do go back...I would be happy to give you some suggestions!
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Re: Barcelona & Madrid, part 1 (mostly Barcelona -- lots and lots of pictures)

Post by Tosspot »

Thanks for the pics, phuqueue. I've got an affinity for Spain myself and it's fun to see some photos of it. Even though I've been there twice I still haven't made it to Barcelona.

Architecturally, Madrid gives off a similar veneer to that of Paris, at least to a degree, to my non-architecturally trained sensibilities.

I see the fares to get over there are cheap right now (your post prompted me to check). However Lufthansa looks to be quite a bit more than just plain old Travelocity-offered flights and whatnot. If I wasn't so broke at present I'd seriously consider this.


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Re: Barcelona & Madrid, part 1 (mostly Barcelona -- lots and lots of pictures)

Post by Highlander »

Tosspot wrote: Thanks for the pics, phuqueue. I've got an affinity for Spain myself and it's fun to see some photos of it. Even though I've been there twice I still haven't made it to Barcelona.

Architecturally, Madrid gives off a similar veneer to that of Paris, at least to a degree, to my non-architecturally trained sensibilities.

I see the fares to get over there are cheap right now (your post prompted me to check). However Lufthansa looks to be quite a bit more than just plain old Travelocity-offered flights and whatnot. If I wasn't so broke at present I'd seriously consider this.
I have an affinity towards Spain also but I love the old Castillian places like Toledo and Segovia and I really like Andulusia as well.  The posted pictures make me a bit disappointed that I've never taken the time to visit Madrid.  We flew in to the airport there and took the train to Madrid, a bus to Toledo and back and then a train to Seville never really taking any time to explore the city.  That's something I regret missing. 

I have spent some time in Barcelona which I like OK but it's not a place I'd fly half way around the world to see on its own.  Nice Picasso museum, Gaudi architecture and beaches though.  We also used it as a base to explore the Pyrennees and the Costa Bravo.  The pics of Barcelona illustrates one of the risks about travelling anywhere in Europe in the winter, even along the Med: it can be very wet at times. 
Last edited by Highlander on Sat Feb 14, 2009 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Barcelona & Madrid, part 1 (mostly Barcelona -- lots and lots of pictures)

Post by Tosspot »

Oh indeed. Toledo is such a fascinating old medieval town (not far away at all from Madrid either!).

Andalusia is a neat place -- lived in Ronda for four months in 2004. I want to go back and visit my host family and spend something like three weeks taking photos of places such as: Ronda, Seville, Granada, Malaga, Toledo, Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, and Barcelona. Actually for all that I might need six weeks, and lots more money.... so it goes.

EDIT -- and I never got around to sword fighting a windmill in Castilla La Mancha either..... another thing to add to the list.


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Re: Barcelona & Madrid, part 1 (mostly Barcelona -- lots and lots of pictures)

Post by phuqueue »

I got my Lufthansa tickets during a one day deal they were running back in December, so I'm not sure what kind of stuff you'll find with them now.  I paid like $80 plus taxes and airport fees for the round trip ticket, it was pretty obscene.  The flight was out of New York, but I just used frequent flier miles on Delta to get that far.  Ended up being a really long, four leg trip (KC to Atlanta to NYC to Frankfurt to Madrid), but super cheap.  On top of that, the apartment belonged to an associate of my friend's dad, so we stayed for free.  All told I still ended up spending several hundred bucks for the whole package (plane tickets, train tickets, hotel in Madrid, shuttle to the airport since the Metro stops running at midnight, food, etc), but it's about the cheapest week in Western Europe that I can really imagine.

I'd really like to go back and check out more of each city and more of the rest of the country as well.  I really want to get into some of those other cities you both have mentioned.  I'm actually thinking of going back for a couple months over the summer, but it's really up in the air.  I'm gonna be leaving my job in a few months to go be a full time law student anyway and I'm sort of tempted to be really irresponsible and blow my meager savings on a summer in Spain, since I'm gonna have to live off massive student loans in the future regardless.  Rents in Madrid seem to generally be really reasonable (as low as 600 euros to sublet a fully furnished two bedroom apartment) and it'd be a great opportunity to work on my language skills.  I took years and years of Spanish in junior high, high school, and college, but at some point during college I felt like I hit a wall and needed to just be immersed to get past it, but I had too much other stuff going on to work in a semester or year of study abroad.  Two months might not be enough time, but it certainly won't hurt, and as much "textbook Spanish" as I know, maybe it actually will be enough to get me over the hump.  In any case, I guess for the next couple months I'm going to be trying to see if I can make this work and we'll just have to see what happens.
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Re: Barcelona & Madrid, part 1 (mostly Barcelona -- lots and lots of pictures)

Post by alpha_glamourina »

Your pics and anecdotes put a lump in my throat and brought a few tears to my eyes as well.  Sue me for being sentimental, but I love Spain that much.  It's kickass how cheap your trip was too!  I used to spend a lot of time in Mallorca and a little time here and there in Barcelona for work, so the Barcelona tidbits really gave me a trip down memory lane.  thx. xo
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