Cold Storage Lofts

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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by chrizow »

scooterj wrote: He was actually awakened one morning by the sound of his neighbor having diarrhea, so you can imagine how unpleasant of a wake-up that was.
send him my apologies.  too much ouzo and olives the night before.
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by maec55 »


I think the only noise compliant I have is for people who come in the west-side door late at night - I can hear jsut about everything with the windows open. Most aren't bad and I don't even notice them - less of a compliant for of a lead-in to this story.

One night, however, I woke up to what sounded like a couple having a knock-down drag out fight outside the door. He was not happy about something. She refused to leave the car until they could talk.

It got nasty.

Really nasty...
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by DaveKCMO »

maec55 wrote: One night, however, I woke up to what sounded like a couple having a knock-down drag out fight outside the door. He was not happy about something. She refused to leave the car until they could talk.

It got nasty.

Really nasty...
i hope you turned them in!
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by phna »

kcdcchef wrote: i started a renters association at an apartment building i was at in dc. they kept bullshitting us every spring about getting the air conditioning going, saying they were within their legal rights to not make it available until may 15th. wow, what a crock. we formed a tenants association, and every tenant signed up, 172 of us, and we brought legal action against them, and wow, how much things improved. for one, the dc law was clear, anyone living at a rental property had the right to make their rental property 20 degrees colder then the outside temp, provided the outside temp was above 70.

almost like unionizing. can be effective at times.
Renters/Tenant, what ever works best. I didn't know of any legal or organizational distinction. Can you elaborate?
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by kcdcchef »

phna wrote: Renters/Tenant, what ever works best. I didn't know of any legal or organizational distinction. Can you elaborate?
not sure how to help in your spot, as i did my stuff in the district of columbia. there was a tenants association at 910 penn when i lived there, i will see if an old friend still lives there, she is retired, and i believe she does, so i will see if she could tell me the department.

i believe the field officer's title was neighborhood stabilization officer, something along those lines.
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by KC_Bondsman »

The Final Review of Cold Storage:

I think I started this thread back in Oct of '06.  and have been a resident since mid March of '07 when they got there permit.  Here are my observation since then. and trust me guys and gals. have a seat it will not be a good one.


1: Beer can and beer bottle city.  I've never seen such trash in my hole life. The Management allows drinking though out the hole building.  People walk around with beer cans, beer bottles and cocktail glasses. they drink out side, they drink on the roof, they drink by the pool deck.  there are beer can and beer bottles every where you look. you can't go though a weekend and not see the at least one if not all of them.  Sure maintenance picks it up the best they can. but my god is everywhere. not a good place to be in when you have drunks walking around. Standing in front of the lobby, drinking and disturbing residents that there windows face the entrance ways.  where you have cans, broken glass and bottles in the grass, side walks and parking lots and garage!  The elevators smells like a bar most of the time. with beer spills, puke and piss! I've caught 2 guys pissing in the elevators corners!  Trash cans are over loaded with cans and bottles and thats not even including the ones that are strung all over the property!!!.

2: Security: Is awful, you think one security guard is enough with this place, let me assure you its not.  Police have been out "almost" every single weekend and have made an arrest each time for disorderly conduct, being drunk, fighting, noise disturbances. The 2 doors up on the roof are not locked at night, so residents and guests go up there late at night. you can hear there foot steps, stomping around, talking, laughing. I've even seen sex up there with Nasty panties and underware.  a cup with piss in the hallway that was just left there. and yes there is even a bathroom by the pool deck on the roof! how bad is that?! these parties and drunken behavior is at 2, 3 and 4am in the morning even with security is here. and they sneak up there when security leaves at 2 or 4am, depending if its the weekend or weekday.

3: Theft.  They invested in a nice couch from nebraska furnature mart that they moved from a show apartment to the lobby.  in "ONE WEEK" it was stolen.  The flat screen TV for the exersise room was also stolen right out of there own storage closet, why  (get this)...LOL because the resident keys also opens that door.  A/C copper tubing was stolen from the roof where people didn't have A/C for a month or longer I think.  Why? there excuse was, it needs to be convered under insurence...Geesh TIGHT WADS!..make people suffer like that.   Also the roof top trail lights have all been broken out by being kicked out by a guest of a resident.  2 months now and nothing. and its dark up there with almost no lights...and people acually walk around up there?  I mean come on!

Parking: Parking is awful, they parking lot is completely full. there is no parking at night. people are having to park on the streets. Cars and mopeds are stolen at night.  abandon cars are left with flat tires and are not towed, the construction trailer is still there that takes up 4 to 5 parking spaces.  Once again trash, cans and bottles are in the parking lots, cigarette butts are everywhere.  Parking lights are burned out so its dark and dim.

Grounds: They should have a sign that says don't walk in the grass "beware of dog feces"  its everywhere. grass is often over grown. you can't even see the address on the sign that gives the address because the grass is so tall.  brown spots in the grass where dog urine has damaged the grass.  right up front where the entrance is, you see dead grass where everyone lets there dogs urinate and its smells like dog. and yes cans and bottles are everywhere. There was a china woman that come over each morning because she collects the cans. I saw her to day.  I mean how bad is that...LOL.  I was stunned!  The Island's that separate the parking spaces you can physically see the dried dog feces!

Construction: Yeah pretty shotty work at best.  Yes I had one of the windows with the blinds when you tired to open the window it hit the blinds.  It was just repaired the fist week of July. sense I've been here since April.  There excuse is...its a construction problem thats covered under warranty.  like thats my fault.  The Concrete floor, yeah I feel for ya.  They say mine is the best in the building and I'm like "it is"? I would rather have carpet.  they are gray, dark, crappy. no shine to it what so ever.  they used the word "high polished shine" nah, its just that Polly stuff they cover the floor with..thats it.  There are water leaks on the top floors inside the loft by the pool deck, and in the hallways.

Pool and roof top deck:  Why even bother.  They pool is a "Lap pool" designed for 15 people at one time. out of 224 apt, and over 300 or more residents.  I'm sorry if I repeat this but they drink up there in a confined space. I've seen cans and bottles in the pool.  The health inspector has already closed the pool down once already.  Trash cans over flow with cans, raw food and bottles.  People go out side of the pool deck and wander around the roof day and knight. you can hear them stomping around.  You see cigarette all over the roof top. looks damn ash tray up there.  The Mgr allow special events up on the roof to watch concerts at the river market and you have to listen to people above you stomping around. and then its totally TRASHED the next day.  and people wanna LIVE LIKE THAT????? like I said "FRAT HOUSE"  Mgt allows guests to come up and use and drink at the pool where other residents can't even use there own resources! Collage kids and drunks consume the area!

Price: Yeah I know some of you pay market rate. I feel for ya. and I don't even pay market rate.  but I tell you what.  if I didn't know any better I thought this place is worse than section 8 property. and I heard they where gonna take section 8. but the housing department said they would not give section 8 vouchers because there was only one window in each apartment, no windows in the bedrooms or other escape routs should there be a fire.  Which I'm glad they don't..can you image how bad it would be then?

Parking: eh, yeah you can pay you 60 bucks a month to park in the garage.  but geesh kinda high if you ask me. they garage doors don't always close so people who don't pay pull in there. its not assigned parking. and often people pull in behind you that don't even have a garage door key.

Cable service: I've heard that internet badwidth is crappy because its bulk cable that you have to pay 60.00 a month of basic cable and internet.  You still have to call time warner to get setup.  they often don't know how to handle cold storage cable rate.  my bill has been screwed up almost every month.  You get 1.0 meg downstream and 256 up stream if that.  and people are getting free cable service because the mgr does not have there own key for the bulk cable box to turn off people who are not paying and good people like me that do pay.

I could go on and on with a list of other complaints, but these are my major concerns. I pay my rent on time each and every month. so I'm not your avid complainer.   I truly thought because it was a new building that most investors take pride and keep a watchfull eye that it would have been a respectable and good place to live.  I COULDN'T HAVE BEEN MORE WRONG!  I will never live in a large complex community like this again!

My General review and openion of someone who has "only" lived here for 4 months and its already this bad? 1 out of 10? I give it a 2 maybe 3.

This place is not for the faint hearted.  Its a damn shame honestly.  I give this place 10 years and it will be the center point of the river market ghetto.  The police has been out here so often it already has a bad reputation from the downtown police station. "Quoted by them" not me. KCPD Quoted: "The manager is a live in drunk, every time we see her she is intoxicted and lets these problems go on".

P.S. The Police where called out at 4am today becuase a non resident was yelling out side of the building, trying to wake somone up and disturbing everyone else.  and thats not all.  as I woke up to get a cup of coffee and look out my window.  the building has been Tee Pee'ed.  there is toilet paper everywhere.  and thats not including the times I've seen people throwing pebbles and rocks at windows.  You only see that in the ghetto's.  Thats doubt in my mind..this place SUCKS. where is the manger and security.  beats me!!!!!
Last edited by KC_Bondsman on Sun Jul 22, 2007 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by phna »

KC_Bondsman wrote: The Final Review of Cold Storage:

I think I started this thread back in Oct of '06.  and have been a resident since mid March of '07 when they got there permit.  Here are my observation since then. and trust me guys and gals. have a seat it will not be a good one.

Beer Bottle City.

Sounds like a Juvenile Delinquency home for AD/HD Beer Drinkers.

Good material for a Realty show. When is the next Party? Oh, every night!

Question: How much trash does this Apartment complex(224 apt and 300+residents) generate?

KC_Bondsman wrote: I've never seen such trash in my hole life.
Beer Bottle City!
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by kcmetro »

Sounds like a dump. Another reason to live in the burbs.  :lol:
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by staubio »

While I'm sure there is legitimacy to your concerns, I've spent quite a bit of time inside the building and I haven't observed any significant problems. The building has always been clean and well cared for when I've been there and the people that I know really enjoy living there and are proud of their homes. I've seen maintenance  around the building fixing stuff, ticketing illegally parked cars and cleaning up. I pass the grounds every day and they always look fine.

When there are major events/concerts in the City Market, even the nicest buildings in the neighborhood look a little bit rough. It is simply a matter of lots of people being around visiting lots of residents in a party atmosphere.

Like I said, I'm sure there is something to this but if it really is as bad as you describe, we'd have heard more about it than from just one person. I have no doubt that the building is just "settling in" and with a concentration of young people, I'm sure there will be some growing pains. I sincerely hope that there isn't an apathetic management issue. Have you tried contacting the developer listing your concerns? You have 6 posts and half of them are about Cold Storage. Are you just wanting to trash the place or what else can be done?
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by KC_Bondsman »

This is not about me wanting to trash the place.  We picked this out back in October of '06 we are not your drive, passer buys that just need a place to live.  we are totally concerned regarding the safety of us and every other resident that lives here.  Besides I can't really be trashing the place when the KCPD have express there own concerns and wanting to taking their issues to city council, so what does that tell ya.

This is why I started out the topic with good things to say and waited over 6 months before I gave my final review.  I understand you saying I've made 6 posts and half of them was about cold storage. but I didn't have any negative reviews or things to say about other forum posts who have complained about minor issues that I didn't overly mention in my previous message.

I put the topic out in the main forum because I tried to delete it from this one and start a new topic. however there wasn't a delete option so I'm sorry about that I don't wanna be one of those who try to make multipule statements I figured you would decide witch message you wanted to keep. :-)  Now getting back on topic.

You say you drive by quite often.  Come by one early morning on a weekend, get out and walk about and see.  better yet I'll escort you around and let you physically see what I see.  No body has to take my word for it by no means you can make your own assessment.  Yes it looks cleaned up but 2 hours each day to pick up trash, cans and bottles for "one" maintenance guy is hard. he even mention how bad it is and he works here.

People really enjoy living here?  Well depends on who you ask.  if you speak about the party frat house types sure I'm sure they are quite pleased.  being cleaned up after, no control, and allowed to run around all hours of the night, drunken, smoken and partying I'm sure its quite heavenly for them.

Ticketing illegally parked cars?  Please they are the stick on that are not even cold storage ones. they are from other properties that he has to mark out with a black marker and you have fill in the name.  kinda cheesy but thats more a petty complaint than a legitimate one.  you didn't even mention the fact that the abandoned cars with flat tires.  You can't say you didn't see those or that trailer thats still setting out their.

There is a big difference in fixing new that always looks fine but its not.  kinda like there is a difference in living here and just driving by every day. :)
staubio wrote: When there are major events/concerts in the City Market, even the nicest buildings in the neighborhood look a little bit rough. It is simply a matter of lots of people being around visiting lots of residents in a party atmosphere.
"In a party atmosphere"?  Hummm, I actually find that comment rather disturbing for you to say that. are you saying thats "OK"?

You have had several complaints with others regarding move in, slowness, false promises.  I've read though them all and I thought my post was well justified with everyone else.  I just elaborate on it. Hopefully this will pull in other reviews good or bad witch was my intent, not just to talk trash about the place.

I have been in constent contact with management and the development to express all my concerns even given suggestion that will help secure the building and the safety of its residence.  I understand that all new places go though growing pains. but its been a faster growth of problems than for the better. witch is cause for the post on here.

I hope that helps to clarify my openion.
Last edited by KC_Bondsman on Sun Jul 22, 2007 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by staubio »

Yeah, I deleted the new thread you started and kept this here. That'll work.

I didn't say I drive by often. I don't. I walk by and visit often. I live in the neighborhood. I've been by in the morning on a weekend, I've been inside on Saturday during the day, etc. It doesn't look like a "war zone."

In terms of the "party atmosphere" of the neighborhood during concerts and such: yes, for the most part, I think that is okay. We welcome 10,000 guests to our neighborhood to see a concert and I'd say that is stays pretty civilized, considering. We deal with a few broken bottles in front of our building and some trash, but in the scheme of things, that isn't too bad. It is an exciting atmosphere when there is an event in the neighborhood and it is easy to ignore if you want by simply closing the door to your unit, at least from my perspective.

Obviously, as a resident, you are more qualified to comment about the building than I am, who only visits from time to time and walks/rides by often. I simply wanted to say that I haven't seen anything close to the gross negligence that you describe and I know several people who are very excited to be living there -- and they aren't crazy, irresponsible frat types. I know a couple of people that just moved in as well. I'll be anxious to here what their report is.
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by KC_Bondsman »

I'll just say this,

I kinda find you comments rather upsetting.  You defend this type of behavior.  Do I mind the fact that concerts come to the river market square?  Not at all.  I'm happy and glad that its there....BUT  when it comes into my building where I live including the common areas in part of what I pay for.  Yes I pay for my own dwelling but part of my vested money goes twards to the common area and general upkeep of the building. I do expect that my privacy and safty be included in that as well.  and to have a person of your stature suggesting to anyone who lives in the river market area to close there door is right down awfull thing to say.

Thats like saying that its ok for everyone live in a crack infested neighborhood, becuase its easy to ignore as long as you shut your door.  "I'm just shaking my head in disbelief"

I should be able to park in the parking lot of the complex and not having to except the fact that its ok becuase 10,000 people want to be in a "Party atmosphere"  I have a right to come home, park, get up to my loft with out steping over people, puke, piss and drunken bahavior.  and all you can say thats ok. becuase you can shut your door?  I'm just discusted. Is this what that what River Market is?  Is this what your really tryng to Sell to people?  That all River Market is gonna be is a Party wearhouse of local hoodies, frats and drunks. Its not like westport is bad enough. but to have both sides of downtown consumed by this?  You sure don't adervtise that.

what I do understand is. if you think broken glass, parties, drunks and concerts are not a problem with you.  I can't expect you to see a problem with it here.

and you can't expect birds of a feather that flock togeather to say the place is bad.  like I've said before I'm sure they think its quite wonderfull here!...and why wouldn't they!  If I wanted to urinate in public and in my building, with piss, puke, vomit, beer cans and bottles, drunken behavior, and have people clean up after me too? OH SURE.... I would want to live in one too.

So what I'm trying to suggest is to anyone who's look'en.  If this is what you promote then its what you get as a river market community. and for those poeople who don't want that. they should'nt be fooled by somthing other than living in wesport! AND WE ALL KNOW HOW THAT TURNED OUT!
Last edited by KC_Bondsman on Sun Jul 22, 2007 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by HalcyonKC »

The complaints about issues with the common areas inside the building (and your pool on the roof) are legitimate and it sounds to me like there are probably a small number of problem tenants.  Given that it's a new development and a large number of people moved in at once, it's probably not surprising that some issues have arisen.  But they should all be fairly easy to fix, assuming management is motivated to do so.

I know in my building (which is mostly condos but with a few renters) there were some issues in the first few months with damage to common areas.  In particular I recall walking downstairs one day to find that some ne'er-do-well had discharged a fire extinguisher in the stairwell.  There were also problems with light fixtures getting smashed and petty items being stolen from common areas.

Conscientious residents complained about the problem tenants to the HOA, they were thrown out, and the problems all stopped.
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by TheBigChuckbowski »

I'm sorry. I haven't been inside the building nor do I know anyone who lives there but I had to make a comment.

There is a HUGE difference between...
KC_Bondsman wrote: a crack infested neighborhood
and a neighborhood that has concerts 3-4 nights a year that bring in thousands of people that like to party. If what you're saying is true and it's every weekend, it's obviously not a good thing, but if you're overreacting to one night of the year, that's just absurd.
You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once. Not in 'Nam of course.
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by KC_Bondsman »

You are confusing facts.

The on going party problem is generally in the building "aside from the concerts" I'm not so worried about the damn concerts.  the weekdays and weekends that don't even have one.  Please set the concerts aside totaly.
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by johngalt »

Last time I was there, piss in the elevator....or some other liquid that smelled like it....Maybe someone spilled their Natty Light.
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by KC_Bondsman »

As of July 25th, the Manager of Cold Storage was FIRED on the spot by the corperate office.

The reports of residents was over whelming.  To my understanding coperate office might have called the Security company and KCDP to get reports of how many times they have been down here, when and why.  They said how drunk, or bombed she was and the lack of responsibility she took in the building. and letting her residence run wild.

So hopefully this will be a bran new day for Cold Storage. the new manager looks like one tuff cookie!
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by moderne »

It is always darkest before dawn.  Hope your troubles will soon abate.  Seems like so many of the rehabs were gung ho on leasing out to fill up instead of screening.  Smart leasing managers know that bad tennants are not worth it.  They cause much turnover and expense.
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by kccrackednut »

The reports of residents were overwhelming


brand new

good grief!
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Re: Cold Storage Lofts

Post by KC_Bondsman »

Leave it up to the spelling police to be just as bad as the Kansas City ones for just being an ass!
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