Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Discuss items in the urban core outside of Downtown as described above. Everything in the core including the east side (18th & Vine area), Northeast, Plaza, Westport, Brookside, Valentine, Waldo, 39th street, & the entire midtown area.
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by Thrillcekr »

chrizow wrote: my youth is not an excuse for your generalizations.  i too have spent time in "the hood" (i have family who lived around 24th and Brooklyn until about 3 years ago, as well as various spots around Blue Hills, Eastwood, and the east parts of Troostwood).  further, many of my friends and acquaintances in the raytown school district came from bad areas of town, had tons of family/friends in the bad and good parts of the African-American 'hoods in KCMO, and/or were bona fide gangsters themselves.  i would dare to say that i have a better grasp of the 18-30 y/o population than you do, 'hood or no hood.

that said, i doubt either one of us have particularly enviable ghetto credentials.  the fact i am not a homeowner and have recently lived in a dorm is nothing more than a personal attack on your part.  so thanks for that.

i agree that no one, black/white/whatever, should pour all their money into a vehicle instead of trying to build a better life for themselves and their family.  i would also posit, however, that your singling out this phenomenon as quality evidence that people in the "hood" can frequently afford to get out is bogus.  most people in poor communities do not drive Escalades.  the ones that do drive "pimped" rides frequently put those rides together for about 1/4 what you think it should cost them.  the young guys that actually drive $60,000 rides probably paid for them via illicit means, so their vehicle of choice is the least of our concerns about them.

i have no doubt that your tenure as a grizzly security guard exposed you to some dicey characters.  i also have no doubt that there are plenty of complete moron losers in KCMO that have no respect for anyone and commit crimes.  my lack of experience with a "crime scene" is completely irrelevant, since my complaint about KCPD behavior has little or nothing to do with responding to crimes.  if you lived in those hoods or knew anyone that lived in those hoods, you would know that many of those people have either personally dealt with police harassment, accusations, and illegal detainment, or have a family member or friend that has.  keep in mind that this mentality goes back to at least the 1950s.  this attitude toward the police exists, whether you choose to think it is valid or not.  i am 100% in favor of people taking responsibility for their own actions, criminal or otherwise.  in poor communities, however, you'll find that people that have not engaged in criminal behavior also have run-ins with the police.  racial profiling is a HUGE problem in every city in america, KC included.  to believe otherwise is to deny mountains of empirical evidence, often compiled (as required by federal law) by the law enforcement authorities themselves.  it has less to do with overt racism than entrenched, unspoken biases. 

people in disadvantaged communities should cooperate with the police more.  the "i won't be a snitch" mentality is absurd.  but that isn't the whole story.
Your youth is definitely an excuse.  You talk to people with that attitude that nobody else knows anything and that's what a lot of people your age do. That in spite of the fact that, the person you are preaching to may has been around the block a hell of a lot more times than you have and been there and done a lot of shit that you have yet to do.  Already been where you are so I know how it is and I doubt a whole lot of people above the age of 30 on this board will disagree with my statement. 

Therefore, you telling me that people owning all those high dollar toys doesn't mean a damn thing is what is really "bogus".  I know how much that crap costs and I know what it costs to live outside the ghetto since I've been paying my own damn bills for 17 years now.  You can rent a house in Gladstone for 600.00 a month and Oak Park is a damn fine school district to send your kids to so don't feed me that horseshit.  You can rent for even less than that in Independence which isn't the best place in the world but if I had kids I'd sure rather send them to school at Chrisman, Fort Osage, or Truman than I would Northeast for both safety reasons and quality of education.  I had an opportunity last year to buy a completely rehabbed house with 3 bedrooms in your hometown for 70,000 (about 500 a month with nothing down) so there's another option.  The northland has older townhomes for sale that are large enough to house a family in places like Chapel Woods (Park Hill school district) for even less than that all the time. Single people have even less of an excuse since you can find an apartment in any burb for between 400 and 500 if you look around.  I know because I live in one.  Having said that, there are very damn few people living in downtrodden areas (other than maybe immigrants that can't speak a lick of English and have to accept minimum wage) who can't afford to get out if they really want to.

You can try to accuse me of a personal attack just because I pointed out the fact that you don't have any experience or obviously not much knowledge of the above facts if you like.  I'm sure that any rational person can see that's not what it's about.  It's based on the fact that you obviously don't have a clue as to what's out there.  You're buying into one side of a story without having a clear picture of either.

I seriously doubt you would have a better grasp of what the 18 to 30 y/o population does since you're barely in your 20's and I've already been there and done it.  Your generation didn't invent the shit believe it or not.  I'm 35 so I've already been 18, 19, 20, 21 etc...  Furthemore, I'm around people who are between 20 and 30 everyday at my job and while I'm milling about.  This might surprise you but people in those age groups don't just live in Columbia or Raytown.  That statement was completely absurd.

You can tell me all about your experience around "gangstas" and all of that but it doesn't really do anything for me since besides doing private security I was also simultaneously working as a correctional officer (which paid only about 10.50 an hour and I still wasn't forced to live in the ghetto) in a missouri state penetentiary which I did for 4 years.  I've intermingled with thousands of "the hood's finest" both on the street and behind bars.  I have no doubt that you have relatives in that area but there's a hell of a lot of difference between visiting relatives every now and then and working there on the midnight shift in a crime prevention related role.

"if you lived in those hoods or knew anyone that lived in those hoods, you would know that many of those people have either personally dealt with police harassment, accusations, and illegal detainment, or have a family member or friend that has."

This comment cracked me up.  I'll guarantee you that I've spent far more time there in the past than you have.  I know something about KCPD behavior and what they get treated like because I used to see it almost every damn time I clocked in. I can tell you that damn near everytime they run somebody down who has a mouth full of dope the person inevitably accuses them of being racists, harassment, or brutality.  The fact that they had a couple hundred bucks worth of black tar heroin on them never has anything to do with it.  I experienced the same damn thing daily while shaking down inmates at the prison.  I know very well what it's like to have frivolous law suits against me for doing my job and I know what it's like to be called a "racist craka" for frisking somebody because I saw what appeared to be a shank protruding from some convict's waistband.  You, on the other hand, don't know a damn thing about that.  You know one side of a story that you did not personally see unfold.  That's what you know so forgive me for rolling my eyes while you tell me "how it really is".

The funniest part was your implication that I don't know anyone from the "hood".  Probably 40% of my friends that I work with currently are black and many of them grew up in those areas.  Some of them still live there today.  They're making damn good money and still live there by their own choice so spare me the bullshit. 
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by chrizow »

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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by LenexatoKCMO »

The ironic part of this debate is that I see an enormous amount of truth in both Crizow and Thrill's view of the hood.  Fellas - its not black and white.  If everybone who lived in problem neighborhoods was there by choice and were fully responsible for their situation or everyone who found themselves there  were helpless victims of circumstance it would be a hell of a lot easier to figure out solutions.  The fact that there is a mixture of both is a big part of what makes the problems so difficult.
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by chrizow »

LenexatoKCMO wrote: The ironic part of this debate is that I see an enormous amount of truth in both Crizow and Thrill's view of the hood.  Fellas - its not black and white.  If everybone who lived in problem neighborhoods was there by choice and were fully responsible for their situation or everyone who found themselves there  were helpless victims of circumstance it would be a hell of a lot easier to figure out solutions.  The fact that there is a mixture of both is a big part of what makes the problems so difficult.
i agree with this.  i just think Thrill's assessment was a bit simplistic.  i agree with some of the things he said...apparently my points are invalid since i am 25.  i can't wait until I'm 35 so i will be as omniscient as Thrill. 
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by Thaine »

White Male 43 yo.  "Choice" of where to live is also affected by public transportation, or lack thereof, and being near a support system.  By support system, I mean living around the corner from Grandma, who can watch the baby while I go to work. 

So say there was a young black couple and a child who wished to move from 39th & Brooklyn to one of those 600 per month apartments up north or in Independence.  If I can't take the bus and need to buy a car how does that affect the equation.  If I have to spend 6-800 a month for daycare since I moved away from Gma, and I have to pay the difference between the bus and a car (principal, insurance, gas, parking, maintenance, licensing) what's that 600 apartment really cost me?
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by kcdcchef »

Thrillcekr wrote: Your youth is definitely an excuse.  You talk to people with that attitude that nobody else knows anything and that's what a lot of people your age do. That in spite of the fact that, the person you are preaching to may has been around the block a hell of a lot more times than you have and been there and done a lot of shit that you have yet to do.  Already been where you are so I know how it is and I doubt a whole lot of people above the age of 30 on this board will disagree with my statement. 

Therefore, you telling me that people owning all those high dollar toys doesn't mean a damn thing is what is really "bogus".  I know how much that crap costs and I know what it costs to live outside the ghetto since I've been paying my own damn bills for 17 years now.  You can rent a house in Gladstone for 600.00 a month and Oak Park is a damn fine school district to send your kids to so don't feed me that horseshit.  You can rent for even less than that in Independence which isn't the best place in the world but if I had kids I'd sure rather send them to school at Chrisman, Fort Osage, or Truman than I would Northeast for both safety reasons and quality of education.  I had an opportunity last year to buy a completely rehabbed house with 3 bedrooms in your hometown for 70,000 (about 500 a month with nothing down) so there's another option.  The northland has older townhomes for sale that are large enough to house a family in places like Chapel Woods (Park Hill school district) for even less than that all the time. Single people have even less of an excuse since you can find an apartment in any burb for between 400 and 500 if you look around.  I know because I live in one.  Having said that, there are very damn few people living in downtrodden areas (other than maybe immigrants that can't speak a lick of English and have to accept minimum wage) who can't afford to get out if they really want to.

You can try to accuse me of a personal attack just because I pointed out the fact that you don't have any experience or obviously not much knowledge of the above facts if you like.  I'm sure that any rational person can see that's not what it's about.  It's based on the fact that you obviously don't have a clue as to what's out there.  You're buying into one side of a story without having a clear picture of either.

I seriously doubt you would have a better grasp of what the 18 to 30 y/o population does since you're barely in your 20's and I've already been there and done it.  Your generation didn't invent the shit believe it or not.  I'm 35 so I've already been 18, 19, 20, 21 etc...  Furthemore, I'm around people who are between 20 and 30 everyday at my job and while I'm milling about.  This might surprise you but people in those age groups don't just live in Columbia or Raytown.  That statement was completely absurd.

You can tell me all about your experience around "gangstas" and all of that but it doesn't really do anything for me since besides doing private security I was also simultaneously working as a correctional officer (which paid only about 10.50 an hour and I still wasn't forced to live in the ghetto) in a missouri state penetentiary which I did for 4 years.  I've intermingled with thousands of "the hood's finest" both on the street and behind bars.  I have no doubt that you have relatives in that area but there's a hell of a lot of difference between visiting relatives every now and then and working there on the midnight shift in a crime prevention related role.

"if you lived in those hoods or knew anyone that lived in those hoods, you would know that many of those people have either personally dealt with police harassment, accusations, and illegal detainment, or have a family member or friend that has."

This comment cracked me up.  I'll guarantee you that I've spent far more time there in the past than you have.  I know something about KCPD behavior and what they get treated like because I used to see it almost every damn time I clocked in. I can tell you that damn near everytime they run somebody down who has a mouth full of dope the person inevitably accuses them of being racists, harassment, or brutality.  The fact that they had a couple hundred bucks worth of black tar heroin on them never has anything to do with it.  I experienced the same damn thing daily while shaking down inmates at the prison.  I know very well what it's like to have frivolous law suits against me for doing my job and I know what it's like to be called a "racist craka" for frisking somebody because I saw what appeared to be a shank protruding from some convict's waistband.  You, on the other hand, don't know a damn thing about that.  You know one side of a story that you did not personally see unfold.  That's what you know so forgive me for rolling my eyes while you tell me "how it really is".

The funniest part was your implication that I don't know anyone from the "hood".  Probably 40% of my friends that I work with currently are black and many of them grew up in those areas.  Some of them still live there today.  They're making damn good money and still live there by their own choice so spare me the bullshit. 

good post thrill. a lot of people i have seen in kc become successful through their vocation of choice, still want to live in the "hood" they grew up in, there is something to be said for giving back to your community, and attempting to be a pillar of it.
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by Thrillcekr »

chrizow wrote: i agree with this.  i just think Thrill's assessment was a bit simplistic.  i agree with some of the things he said...apparently my points are invalid since i am 25.  i can't wait until I'm 35 so i will be as omniscient as Thrill. 
You kind of make it sound like you already think you much more so by this comment "it is absolutely true that many people choose to remain in "the hood," though i really doubt that rational, middle-class people are choosing to live in the most devastated areas of town.  i think that Thrill and others might be mistaking "east of troost" as "the ghetto."  believe it or not, the east side of KC is not a homogenous, monolithic ghetto.  it is diverse unto itself.  it isn't 33rd and Benton all around.  there are some very stable neighborhoods in the african-american community, where families have lived on the same block for generations, not unlike the "white" middle class hoods like Waldo or whatever.  the property values might be lower, but not every 'hood is a warzone.  few are."

Yeah, you're right.  We're all a bunch of idiots locked up in closets who know NOTHING about any of this.

Thaine says:

"White Male 43 yo.  "Choice" of where to live is also affected by public transportation, or lack thereof, and being near a support system.  By support system, I mean living around the corner from Grandma, who can watch the baby while I go to work. 

So say there was a young black couple and a child who wished to move from 39th & Brooklyn to one of those 600 per month apartments up north or in Independence.  If I can't take the bus and need to buy a car how does that affect the equation.  If I have to spend 6-800 a month for daycare since I moved away from Gma, and I have to pay the difference between the bus and a car (principal, insurance, gas, parking, maintenance, licensing) what's that 600 apartment really cost me?"

I see the bus every damn day up here around Zona Rosa where there are all sorts of jobs so it doesn't just make stops in the hood so that excuse doesn't carry much weight. Even if you insist on having a car you don't need an SUV just because you have a kid.  I can go on ebay right now and find a Hyundai 4 door in good running condition for little of nothing.  You could pay for it with your income tax return and liability insurance on it wouldn't cost more than dinner and a drink at Applebee's.

I have a cousin who is a single mother, no education beyond high school, and with two kids who have a dead beat dad that doesn't pay his child support.  Her mother lives 70 miles away so she has no free baby sitter.  Yet, she has her own car and she doesn't live in the ghetto.  Life for her ain't easy but she's making it and a whole lot of other women caught in the same situation are getting it done too.  Probably everyone on this forum knows at least one person like this who is finding a way to make ends meet.  They're not a rarity.  They're all around you.  A single mother has it about as tough as it can get so if they can do it then just about anyone can.  Women like that are able to get through life because they don't sit around blaming everyone else for a situation they got themselves into.  I also have a co-worker who pays child support on 4 kids and I'll guarandamntee you that he'd trade places with somebody whose biggest problem is paying a sitter any day.  He's not living in the hood though because he works his damn ass off.  He clocks out, leaves work for a nap, and punches in somewhere else.  He works 14 hours a day not because he likes it but because it's what he has to do.  Society, racism, and the cops aren't to blame for their problems anymore than they are to blame for their being in the situation where they are raising children on their own or paying exorbital amounts of child support.  People who choose to pawn the responsibility off on any of these things instead of addressing the real problem will most likely stay in the rut they are currently in for the rest of their lives and those who don't will eventually dig their way out.  It is THAT SIMPLE.
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by Deleted User »

UMKCroo wrote: I too, along with another skyscraper forumer, went on the historic economic development tour beccantor.  The tour was quite fascinating.  I must say that I am continually impressed with the passion and political prowess councilman nash exudes, we need more politicians like this guy.  As he said Troost is not an accident, but rather the result of years of blatent racism and racial tension in this city ........
Yes, Kansas City is alarmingly segregated, but this issue is seen in almost every major city in the country.  Its not a KC issue, its a problem deeply embedded in our society.
Troy Nash - Cleaver's Assistant had ZERO experience at anything before being elected as a token of Cleaver. He is the epitome of classic KC nepotism and good ol boy network ( yes blacks have thiers too). He is a slick-talking pawn. If Troost is a result of blatent racism and racial tension you should BLAME the middle class BLACKS that RAN from it and the city govt that fully neglected it's responsibility to the people that lived there. Same goes for 18th & Vine. Middle class and professional blacks RAN from both and are still running. Blaming "racism" for lack of personal responsibility, criminal activity, an inept city govt and school district is sticking your head in the sand.
Last edited by Deleted User on Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by beccanator »

LenexatoKCMO wrote: The ironic part of this debate is that I see an enormous amount of truth in both Crizow and Thrill's view of the hood.  Fellas - its not black and white.  If everybone who lived in problem neighborhoods was there by choice and were fully responsible for their situation or everyone who found themselves there  were helpless victims of circumstance it would be a hell of a lot easier to figure out solutions.  The fact that there is a mixture of both is a big part of what makes the problems so difficult.
*Warning: don't mind me, I'm just an impressionable 20 years old, my opinions don't matter.*

I would have to agree with LenaxatoKCMO, both Chrizow and Thrill present valid and insightful arguments and I thank them for their input. One of the reasons I like this forum is that it provides people who may have never had an opportunity to meet and exchange such view points to do so. However, for this to remain a constructive mode of communication, I believe personal attacks (which were used) and the use of profanity should be avoided.

Simply out of curiosity: Thrill, if it is, in fact, so easy to get out of the "ghettos", why do we have so many people still living in them? Or better yet, why do they even exist?
Last edited by beccanator on Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by Thaine »

Actually, I believe Chrizow and Troy Nash have a lot in common.  Both fresh out of law school and just full of good looks and optimism :P
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by chrizow »

Thaine wrote: Actually, I believe Chrizow and Troy Nash have a lot in common.  Both fresh out of law school and just full of good looks and optimism :P
i am very attractive. 

KCMO turned me down for a job though.  :cry:
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by Thaine »

Buck up, Buckaroo!!  So now go someplace where you can make a living.
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by Thrillcekr »

beccanator wrote: Simply out of curiosity: Thrill, if it is, in fact, so easy to get out of the "ghettos", why do we have so many people still living in them? Or better yet, why do they even exist?
I think I already covered some of that but I guess you were too busy read all of what I said.  Number one, I never said it was easy but anyone that wants to get out and has a little bit of motivation can surely do it.  You think my life has been easy?  Hell no.  It hasn't been easy for a whole lot of people who don't live in the ghetto.  I didn't have the luxury of working just one job from the time I got out of the active duty military at 23 until I was 30 years old.

Then, you have plenty who simply don't want to leave.  For a lot of people who grow up in these areas it isn't the hell that people living outside of it see it as.  Perhaps it's because it's human nature for people to feel comfortable in familiar surroundings regardless of what those surroundings are like.  A lot of people just assume all of these people are actually trying to get away sort of like they assume that every country outside the US wants to live like Americans.

I know this.  They have the same opportunities that I have.  Nobody handed me a damn thing.  My parents were poor when I was growing up and life didn't change for them until after I was long gone.  I spent my high school years living in a $17,000 house (a big step up from the 11,000.00 one) that was so damn cold and drafty in the winter that I could sometimes see my freakin' breath in my room and it took 3 quilts just to keep semi-warm.  My younger brother and I used to run downstairs when we got up and sit in front of the heater vent to thaw before we got ready for school.  My college education that I now have came courtesy of my signing my life away to uncle sam for 4 years and then another 3 years as a drilling reservist because, unlike some on this forum, mommy and daddy didn't hand me jack shit.  They didn't have it to give and that was really their own damn fault as well.  The moral of that story is that even though I didn't grow up in the "hood" my circumstances were pretty much the same as that of a lot of Americans but I wanted something more so I got off my ass and went after it.  I didn't sit around stewing about how unfair life was and point the finger at somebody else because that wouldn't have done me damn bit of good. 

I guess I could have just blamed society for my situation.  I could have sat there spinning my wheels forever and sought sympathy from those who would buy my sob story but that isn't me.  I've got neighbors who are black and apparently it wasn't their style either and since they didn't see a "whites only" sign on the apartment manager's office.  Perhaps they didn't get the secret flyers the city of Kansas City mailed stating that they were supposed to be racially segregated.

Since you asked me a question then let me ask one of you.  You asked me why, if it was so easy to get out, that ghettos exist.  Let me ask you why it so difficult for people living in those areas to get out when millions of Americans of all creeds who grew up in a lot less than ideal circumstances are able to either get out or completely avoid living in those areas as adults period?
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by chrizow »

give me a fucking break.
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by justin8216 »

I thought this thread sounded interesting till I saw most posts were small novels. LOL
I skimmed it for about 20 seconds and said to heck with it.  :-k
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by kcdcchef »

justin8216 wrote: I thought this thread sounded interesting till I saw most posts were small novels. LOL
I skimmed it for about 20 seconds and said to heck with it.   :-k
you mean like your village west posts?
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by beccanator »

Thrill, thanks for your response. It sounds like you have an interesting life story to tell. Just some constructive criticism though, and don't get mad: you tend to take things personally very quickly and that takes away some of the credibility of your arguement. As does your frequent use of "profanity". This was kindly meant.

To answer your question: I don't know, though it is a subject I would like to learn more about. I asked you because you seem to have more experience on the subject. Just to reiterate, I am only 20 years old...

And justin, it is an interesting thread. Take the time to read it, it's worth it. Kind of.
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by justin8216 »

enough wrote:
incidentally, i think the claim that 95 percent of blacks live east of troost is a bit exaggerated. 
I don't think it is exaggerated. I used to live at 82nd and Holmes and driving east past Troost to 71 highway and then west to the state line, it seemed obvious. Black people live east of Troost and white people live west of Troost.

People have a stereotype of blacks wether or not they will admit it in public or not. The stereotype is that black people are lazy and run down their properties. It is a lie used to scare people into selling their house when a black family moves into the neighborhood. The houses along 75th street from Troost to 71 Highway looked Every bit as nice as the houses west of Troost.
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by justin8216 »

ReutherMonkey wrote: ...... while funding goes everywhere else. Hell, in brookside they tear up fairly good minimally used residential roads to replace them with really good roads that few (wealthy) people use. Troost south of 47th Street is horrible and i'll be surprised if they ever re-pave that road. The same goes for 47th  Street, 39th Street, etc..
I touched on this in the thread about KCMO's sewer issue.
The fact is more affluent areas have higher voter turnout.
So the city buys that area's vote of confidence in the city by taking care of them first.
The black community needs someone with the ability to rally them to the voting booth and demand their share of municipal services.
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Re: Kansas City Redevelopment and Racial Segregation

Post by justin8216 »

tat2kc wrote: I disagree with the charge of underfunded schools. KCMO district recieved well over a billion in additional funding during the court case to improve schools, some were upgraded to the level of elite private schools. The problem was apathic teachers, uninvolved parents, and incompetent school boards. 
It is true. Money alone doesn't fix schools. It helps to provide comparable facilities and materials as more affluent schools. But it does not make the students take advantage of them. We have just barely learned this lesson, and now private foundations are taking the lead in reforming the way urban school districts are teaching their students. KCK has received million dollar grants from the HALL foundation toward this end. I also believe Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also taking a lead in both KCMO and KCK school districts. I also read recently in News that the Union Pacific Foundation is offering some of the challenged area High Schools a consultant paid for by them to to work directly with the principal to adress an issue of their choosing.
tat2kc wrote:Crime is allowed to fester, because the police say they don't have the manpower to patrol the area.  A good example is the corner of Prospect and Independence.
I have a solution to the man-power/crime problem. See my post in the urban parks thread about the use of comunity surveillance cameras. KCK has a pilot program starting this year targeting surveillance cameras in problem areas.

tat2kc wrote: Its asonishing to me that in 2006, there continiue to be neighborhood covenants that prohibit some people from moving in. Yes, those provisions are unenforceable, but the fact that those provisions STILL have not been removed from the covenants says a lot about the culture that still prevails. 
This language is still included in covenants not because of our "culture" but because of the huge legal cost property owners have to incur out of their own pocket to get them removed from documents. The sheer amount of these documents on file with local governments makes removing all of them a huge task that governments don't have the funding to tackle. The KC Star studied this issue a few years back. Efforts were under way at the state legislatures to address this issues. I don't know the status of those efforts.

But the fact is the covenant restrictions have no power. Perhaps erasing them and pretending they never existed is the wrong thing to do. It is said that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. These covenants  serve as a reminder to people and keep up awareness about the way things once were.

While it is sad that when a black family buys a house in Prairie Village and is insulted and disgusted that these covenants are in the documents. People need not be so hyper-sensitive and spare the theatrics. It gives people an oppurtunity to talk candidly about racial issues. Everyone knows that these things existed. Does pretending they never existed set the past right?
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