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KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 11:58 pm
by KCChiefsFan88
Hi everyone I'm a new member to this site and its really exciting to read all the new buildings and plans that are in store for downtown KC.

I saw this poll about the arena issue on KMBC-TV 9's website ( and out of about 600 people that have voted in it, 54% support Question 1, 41% oppose it and 5% are undecided.

With all the resources the pro-arena side has hopefully through public outreach they can keep that support # going up!

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 12:27 am
Welcome. There really is a lot going on in KC, but this arena is crucial.

When was the poll done, is this the old one that's been floating around for a while?

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:42 am
by ignatius
Unfortunately the poll is useless since only KCMO residents can vote. But it does of course indicate what the metro is thinking.

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:47 am
by KCPowercat
there was another poll that Terry Riley referenced that says the positive side is like 52%, opposition 42%, undecided 6%. Split that 6% down the middle....this was an unscientific poll done by Channel 9 I believe.

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 9:25 am
by KCN
They can kiss 42% of my ass.

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 9:31 am
by KCPowercat
i still find it hard to believe 42% of the people will go in and really punch no given all the momentum going on this week.

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 9:43 am
by KCN
I can only think of two reasons someone would vote no.

1, you're living under a rock.

2, you're so bitter about past KCMO failures to the point that you will believe ANYTHING so long as it is a reason to vote against any kind of tax increase that goes toward KCMO development.

To the first group I say wake the hell up and help your damn city out.

To the second group I say GET OVER IT. This is a new decade, new leadership, and if you want ANY kind of money to help the city's infrastructure, you need to stimulate the economy and generate taxes. This arena is a MUST. If you are going to stand in the way of everything that helps this city out then please join kansasfarmboy on a farm in rural Kansas. KC is trying to become a progressive city and your types are not needed.

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 9:49 am
by Beltonhawk
Well said KCN...but there's also the misinformed/uninformed...the people who really believe that there's a general tax increase with the arena...or that if the arena fails, that they will end up paying for it....

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 10:57 am
by cdschofield
The NO ARENA types, which are few, that I run into have no clue about the rest of the development going on downtown and think the arena is going to be plopped down in the middle of nowhere downtown.

The attitude is why do we need that thing hanging around our neck. When you tell them about the P & L District, President Hotel, PAC, etc. that will compliment the arena as well as the heavy hitter status of AEG and Cordish their whole attitude changes.

The beauty of this whole thing is that KC is putting the arena in after an incredible entertainment district and develoment is already underway. Most cities arena projects are done in the hopes that it will stimulate development that KC already has lined up.

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 12:45 pm
by KCK
Have you heard the anti-arena ads. The ads are very misleading. I mean they never once say in the anti-arena ad that the tax is on hotel rooms and rental cars only. Instead they make it seem like KCMO is raising property taxes, income taxes, or sales taxes to pay for it. They even go so far as to suggest that lower income Kansas Citians will be footing the bill. I'm sorry, but if you are a low income Kansas Citian, and you need the extra $4 a day on your car rental that badly, its not like you can't just go to Johnson County, or KCK, or any of the other cities and rent a car for the same old lower price.

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 1:43 pm
by Highlander
I am not a KC resident and, hence, cannot vote in the upcoming election that will decide future of the proposed downtown arena. I am, nonetheless, potentially affected by the outcome of the vote as I visit KC on a regular basis and generally rent a car when I do. Would I be willing pay an extra $4 per day while renting? Sure, I would love it if the current plans for the arena come to fruition. It may be the singlemost needed piece of infrastructure in the downtown equation. In fact, I had the pleasure to be in KC over the last two weeks when the arena debate was in full swing and, frankly, I cannot see why ANYBODY in KC save the rental car industry would oppose the plan. It seems like a slam dunk opportunity.....from what I could tell, deals do not get much better than this. Most of the ammunition presented by the opposition cited a study commissioned and paid for by a St. Louis-based automobile rental firm; and we are supposed to believe this is an objective study? The source of funding alone condemns the conclusions as absolutely meaningless.

While I enjoyed my trip to KC, my dealings with the rental car company were less than stellar. Because I live in the UK, I had to obtain insurance coverage at prices that were inflated to the point of extortion. I was at least informed in advanced that they would happily fill the gas tank if returned anything but full for a modest charge of $4.50/gallon (albeit, still cheaper than in the UK). This is the industry that now claims to be looking out for the best interest of Kansas Citians? Give me a break. The 4 buck per day tax will be a mere pittance relative to what I paid for in insurance alone. Regardless of the outcome of the vote, I will continue to visit Kansas City and continue to rent cars. Regardless of the outcome of the vote, I won't be renting them from Enterprize.

Good Luck on August 3rd.

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:18 pm
by KCN
Who did you rent from, highlander?

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:30 pm
by Highlander
Rented from Budget.

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:37 pm
by dangerboy
I don't think there are any real polls. Just some un-scientific web polls.

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:38 pm
by cdschofield
Highlander wrote:I am not a KC resident and, hence, cannot vote in the upcoming election that will decide future of the proposed downtown arena. I am, nonetheless, potentially affected by the outcome of the vote as I visit KC on a regular basis and generally rent a car when I do. Would I be willing pay an extra $4 per day while renting? Sure, I would love it if the current plans for the arena come to fruition. It may be the singlemost needed piece of infrastructure in the downtown equation. In fact, I had the pleasure to be in KC over the last two weeks when the arena debate was in full swing and, frankly, I cannot see why ANYBODY in KC save the rental car industry would oppose the plan. It seems like a slam dunk opportunity.....from what I could tell, deals do not get much better than this. Most of the ammunition presented by the opposition cited a study commissioned and paid for by a St. Louis-based automobile rental firm; and we are supposed to believe this is an objective study? The source of funding alone condemns the conclusions as absolutely meaningless.

While I enjoyed my trip to KC, my dealings with the rental car company were less than stellar. Because I live in the UK, I had to obtain insurance coverage at prices that were inflated to the point of extortion. I was at least informed in advanced that they would happily fill the gas tank if returned anything but full for a modest charge of $4.50/gallon (albeit, still cheaper than in the UK). This is the industry that now claims to be looking out for the best interest of Kansas Citians? Give me a break. The 4 buck per day tax will be a mere pittance relative to what I paid for in insurance alone. Regardless of the outcome of the vote, I will continue to visit Kansas City and continue to rent cars. Regardless of the outcome of the vote, I won't be renting them from Enterprize.

Good Luck on August 3rd.
You need to email this to the KC Star as a Letter to the Editor.

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 11:40 am
by Highlander
OK. I'll clean it up and perhaps tone it down a bit and submit it to the Star.

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 11:50 am
by cdschofield
Highlander wrote:OK. I'll clean it up and perhaps tone it down a bit and submit it to the Star.
Great! This would be perfect for the Sunday paper, a pro-arena letter to the editor from an objective party on another continent.

KMBC-TV 9 Arena Poll

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 11:53 am
by chrizow
that is a great letter, Highlander. just keep in mind they'll cut it to 150 words.