Volunteer for Arena Campaign

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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

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Last edited by KCPowercat on Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

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Sprint had a rally to celebrate its strong numbers and had "Yes on 1" signs all over the place, complete with post cards, brocures and volunteer packets. Hopefully that rallies a few more troops.
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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

Post by KCPowercat »

another good quick thing everybody can do is any KC related message boards you are on, to get out the info.

Especially say Monday post a message talking about vote yes for Question 1, use the graphics supplied on this site if you want, and state the facts and what the latest is on everything...things like sprint signing, no taxes collected until AEG gives a signed contract, etc.

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Post by KCPowercat »

OK went to the meeting this evening. I have everything people might want. Yard signs, bumper stickers (they are out of those now and I have a limited amount), flyers for work, etc. If you want any of this, PM or email me your address so I can mail you a bumper sticker or drop a sign off at your house.

Even if you don't live in KCMO, you will pass people that do live in KCMO so a bumper sticker can work anywhere. I'm just taping mine to the inside of my window probably.

There is also rallies that need volunteers...I will have a full list of those tomorrow.

Cool thing, I'm sitting there and who pops in? mayor barnes. The organizer said she is there non-stop...she really believes in this.

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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

Post by kcteen »

Last edited by kcteen on Wed Jul 28, 2004 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

Post by KCPowercat »

Here's a list of activities needing a lot of volunteers. If you need more info contact the HQ at downtownarena.com or I can get any info you need.

What: An Amendment 2 meeting, we would like people passing out information

When: Wednesday, July 28th 7 pm

Where: The Tony Aguirre Community Center
2050 West Pennway, Kansas City, MO
(one block west of Summit, two blocks north of Southwest Boulevard)

What: Convention Watch party, we would like people passing out information

When: Thursday July 29th, 8pm

Where: The Uptown Theatre, Valentine Room. 3700 Broadway KC MO 64111

What: We will be assigning polling locations for people to work on Election Day

When: Thursday July 29th, 12-6:30

Where: Campaign Headquarters, 4116 Baltimore

What: Lit Drop

When: Saturday July 31st and Sunday August 1st, 9-5

Where: Various Locations throughout the metro, stop by headquarters to pick up literature

What: Election Day! We need poll workers.

When: Tuesday August 3rd, 6 a.m.

Where: Campaign Headquarters

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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

Post by QueSi2Opie »

I want a few downtownarena signs to place at all the Enterprise locations in the middle of the night. :lol:

Seriously though, I'd like a couple of bumper stickers. Maybe you can meet me at Tanner's for lunch on Friday?
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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

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bumper stickers are gone :( If you need postcards, or anything else let me know and I'll get them in the mail if we can hook up a lunch time.

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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

Post by QueSi2Opie »

KCPowercat wrote:bumper stickers are gone :( If you need postcards, or anything else let me know and I'll get them in the mail if we can hook up a lunch time.
I don't think postcards will help since I don't work at any KCMO companies.
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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

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Saturday, 1pm, Pro-Arena rally at JC Nichols fountain.

Be there...especially if you couldn't be there today.

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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

Post by chrizow »

i may come back to town for this rally! and i'll bring my chicagoan roommate with me just to add another warm body. heheh
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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

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**double post, my (computer's) bad**
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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

Post by Xpatriate »

OK, long rant about my personal battles today at work over the arena. Probably uninteresting to most, but it's nearly midnight, and I'm still very, very wound up, and just need to get it out of me. So....

I'm definitely going to try to make it to the rally @ JC Nichols fountain tomorrow. It all depends on when my lunch break is (I have to work, and we take rotating lunch breaks, so we'll see). I am just a wreck tonight. I literally spent all day at work today (11 hours) rallying, lobbying, arguing on behalf of the arena, and I'm spent. I was very excited about it before, but "the fever" really hit me this afternoon; honestly, I'm far more energized about this than the November election, even though that, of course, is ultimately of greater consequence. By my reckoning, of the 8 people I engaged at length, four ended up being for the arena (although 2, I found out, couldn't vote on it--not registered, etc.), three were against, and one is still undecided, but will probably vote yes. But I tell you what, the "no" people are absolutely rabid! (Then again, I suppose they thought the same of me--but no, I'm just "passionate" :wink: ). But their arguments are so illogical! A woman in her late 20s, who is known at work for being very opinionated, almost to the point of being obnoxious, overheard me urging a guy to vote yes. She then yelled across the room to vote no. I was going outside for a bit of air at that point, and a few minutes later, when I came back in, she was waiting for me at the door. SHE initiated the debate, mind you!! I was met with a very smug "I really want to see the streets and sidewalks repaired, you know? It's stupid to go for an arena when the roads are all screwed up." I no sooner heard these words, than adrenaline began pouring through my system. My heart started to pound (I could hear it in my ears), and I started to sweat (it was at that point that I realized how important this issue is to me). I took a deep breath, and told her that I wanted the roads fixed as well, but voting down the arena wouldn't get the job done, that no city funds, general taxes, etc., were going to the arena, and therefore, none would be taken out of the city's coffers. She looked startled, and didn't say anything for a moment. She then said, "Well, I don't think an arena's going to save downtown." To which I responded (paraphrased): "You're absolutely right. An arena--taken alone--wouldn't do much. Just look at the West Bottoms. If an arena were the answer, we'd all be partying down there instead of in Westport tonight. BUT, the arena isn't a solitary project." I then informed her of the PAC, the Ballet Center, H&R Block, Power & Light Live!, the Bartle Ballroom, and told her the arena would bookend all the development. She honestly was speechless. She'd obviously never heard of those projects, because she had nothing to day--and believe me, this lady ALWAYS has something to say. After a minute, she offered some other lame, illogical arguments, which, thanks to this site, I was able to refute. She finally walked away, and started bitching to one of the other "antis" about the whole issue. I was amazed, though! Logic won the day! Let's just hope the same happens on Tuesday. Tonight, on my way home, I drove by the site at 14th & Grand, and actually said a prayer for passage. I've never done THAT for a project before. Perhaps this suggests I need a vacation....

Anyway, it's 11:44, according to my clock. In 96 hours, I'm either going to be enjoying a celebratory champagne buzz, or crying myself to sleep. Come on, KC, let's get this thing done....
The soul has greater need of the ideal than of the real. It is by the real that we exist; it is by the ideal that we live. - Victor Hugo
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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

Post by KCPowercat »

great job X. So how big was this "anti" crowd? So out of the 6 that could vote we have 3 yes and 3 no? at least you got the undecided.....work on those other 3...they will crack under their own logic.

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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

Post by phxcat »


This thing is so freakin frustrating! There is absolutely no reason this thing shouldn't pass with 99.9% of the vote (I'll givethe .1% for the selfish who have something to lose by getting fired by Enterprise or the West Bottoms) Keep workng on those anti's- nothing they can say has eve na chance of standing up to reality!

(good job staying cool, by the way- just reading that I wanted to rip her head off!)
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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

Post by Xpatriate »

Thanks for the feedback; yeah, I wanted very badly to yell, "You need to pick up a newspaper, and f***ing read!" at her, but I thought that would be counterproductive. She, as well as yesterday's other 2 "nos," remained emphatically negative today. HOWEVER, I did some more networking this afternoon, and convinced 2 other "nos" to vote yes. Therefore, as it now stands, of the 10 people I've lobbied @ work, 8 are able to vote, and are doing so: 5 pro, 3 anti. The 2 that switched their votes today were simply misled by the ads--like so many out there, I'm afraid. Let's just hope that these people are reached via our efforts, and those of the Star, radio stations, TV, etc. It kills me that I can't vote on the issue (not a KCMO resident), but I come from a large Catholic family, many of whom live in KC; rest assured, therefore, the e-mails--and the link to scooterj's website--go out to them tomorrow morning. Anyway, keep up the great work, everyone--this is grassroots at its best! Gonna say another prayer tonight.... [-o<
The soul has greater need of the ideal than of the real. It is by the real that we exist; it is by the ideal that we live. - Victor Hugo
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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

Post by staubio »

I've converted a few, many of which can't vote but are taking the message to their friends and relatives that can. I'm also manning the polls Tuesday evening. Today, I rode my bike around town with "A New Day" stuff plastered all over me.

Every little bit helps. I'm glad all of us are doing what we can. Time for the big push.
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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

Post by cdschofield »

I just wanted to point out that people should not minimize the usefulness of sending pro-arena emails to people that don't live in KC, MO. All the emails I've sent with links and info has been to everyone I know in the region even if they don't live in the city since I find that many times they forward those emails on to other people that do live in the city. Kind of a chain letter thing.

I already voted yes for the arena by absentee ballot since I'm leaving for vacation to Belize tommorrow. I'm hoping to find an internet cafe so I can check the election results Tuesday night. I don't think I could relax until I know that it passed.
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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

Post by kurtiebird »

Excellent job, Xpatriate. You're an inspiration to the rest of us non KC residents. By the way, does anybody know where I can get a pro Question 1 t-shirt? I think they may have passed them out at the rally Saturday, but I wasn't able to go.

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Volunteer for Arena Campaign

Post by kcteen »


Pick up a t-shirt @ arena HQ. Check www.downtownarena.com for contact info.
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