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Imagine Downtown - KC 2030 Plan

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 3:07 am
by normalthings
Downtown Kansas City is a model of sustainable development. It is the region’s center for arts and culture, a diverse residential community, and home to a fast-growing community of creative, cutting-edge companies.

The Downtown Council of Kansas City, Missouri (DTC) in partnership with the City of Kansas City, and leading civic organizations are embarking on a new strategic planning process: Imagine Downtown KC.

The process will establish a strategy and action steps to serve as a 10-year road map toward shaping Downtown Kansas City into a stronger and more resilient community through sustainable development and economic opportunity. Imagine Downtown KC will serve as the primary vision-setting and policy blueprint to lead the ongoing revitalization of Downtown Kansas City.

What do you imagine for Downtown?
I haven't seen this mentioned here before. Looks like a new hype-video was just released with virtual meetings starting in 2 weeks.