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where can i find aerial photographs of urban missouri?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:02 pm
by warwickland

this is my current source, but im trying to figure out what an urban neighborhood business district looked like before it was 75% destroyed by the current alignment of an interstate, and unfortunately the first aerial shows the freakin' demolition in progress in the late 50s! it's in st. louis, but the state of missouri has some shared resources.

Re: where can i find aerial photographs of urban missouri?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:14 pm
by longviewmo
This? http://statehistoricalsocietyofmissouri ... ion/aerial ... but it looks like they only do 1958 there too. The only other thing I found with anything close is this.

Re: where can i find aerial photographs of urban missouri?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:19 pm
by warwickland
longviewmo wrote:This? http://statehistoricalsocietyofmissouri ... ion/aerial ... but it looks like they only do 1958 there too. The only other thing I found with anything close is this.
yeah...i saw that, too. im trying to find anything before '58. it's sometimes hard to quickly navigate through that stuff.

Re: where can i find aerial photographs of urban missouri?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:59 pm
by FangKC
Warwick, I have suffered the same frustration trying to find aerials pre-Interstate construction.

There are a few photos on the Kansas City public library special collections digital database showing some areas pre-interstate, but they are mostly just downtown photos. They wouldn't have photos of St. Louis.