Open letter to users of this room

Want to talk about your favorite places besides Kansas City? Post any development news or questions about other cities here.
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Open letter to users of this room

Post by KCPowercat »

As the founder and former administrator of this forum, I thought I'd bring a little insight to the room in which you are currently reading this post.

This room is called outside KC.  It is named such so those of us within KC that this forum is directed to can discuss items of development we find of interest in regional cities.  This site is not called Outside KC for the purpose of you to come in an "defend" things you read inside these threads.  We invite you to feel free to enter into discussions and offer insight but we don't need watchdogs ensuring no ill words are said here concerning any other metros and "setting us straight".  These are our opinions and will have a KC spin to's almost guaranteed you will find problems with some comment here.  Please respectfully understand the context of this room and post with that in mind.

This forum has obviously become the best in class of it's peers.  I conclude this from the numbers of users we have gained from other cities that continuously watch and post in this room specifically.  As I browse other forums such as eomahaforums, okmet, and urbanstl I don't see a large number of members from other cities active on those sites defending and posting about their respective city.  This forum and this room specifically has obviously become the regional meeting point to defend your virtual turf.  I also concluded this looking at the length of time this site has survived and the number of members that have registered.  With the realization of being the best in class, all regular KC posters need to realize that we will continue to get lookers from other metros seeing what we are saying about their corner of the world.  To that point, please be respectful of these cities and your comments constructive and focused on how this relates to KC.  To all onlookers from other metros, please realize that this is still a Kansas City message board.  Posts in here will have a KC slant to them.  If you cannot deal with that then I suggest you find something else to occupy yourself.  You flying in within minutes of a topic being posted to "defend" a comment about your city is not appropriate. seems to be a great site to have little city vs. city tifs....I'll speak for 99% of the people on this site and say we're tired of reading it.

One more bit of advice.  If you don't want to hear what others outside of your city think or want people to become tired of hearing constant {Your City Here} propaganda, don't post constant "updates" or "photo threads" here.  While we welcome an outside expert to come in and give us an update about what's going on in your city, we do not need constant snide remarks or flamebaiting to incite problems.  The constant smart ass remarks only lead to pissing matches and battles...which once again we don't care to read.  I'm reminded on a metro in a state to our south.  Nice metro, not really discussed here.  Suddenly we receive an eager poster from this metro area giving us updates, daily photos, suddenly we have pissing matches breaking out between KC (this site's purpose) and this metro that had previously never been discussed.  This is not a productive use of this forum and this room specifically.

As an analogy, think of this forum as a house.  This house is home for Kansas City residents and "fans" (lacking a better word) to discuss issues relating to KC and how it's house is being ran.  In this house, members might discuss what Joe St. Louis or Steve Omaha is doing down the block with their house and discussing how we might do something better in our house in the same respects.  All the while Steve Omaha is peaking in our window and as soon as he hears something he doesn't like, he busts in the door to 'set us straight'.  I ask you, who has the issue here?  I'd propose the one doing the peaking....don't be a Steve.

You don't read comments about KC in these other sites because internet denizens that frequent this site (and thusly would know of these other sites/forum) don't feel the need to peak in the windows of those forums non-stop and seek out unkind words about KC.  Please be equally respectful here.  As a user of this forum, I'd appreciate it.

thanks for your time

And now....a cat:

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Re: Open letter to users of this room

Post by ComandanteCero »

I believe a sticky is in order  8)
KC Region is all part of the same animal regardless of state and county lines.
Think on the Regional scale.
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Re: Open letter to users of this room

Post by 49r »

Hear hear!

To add, and I by no means speak for anyone but myself here, I appreciate outsiders' information and constructive input.

I don't appreciate outsiders' boasting, flamebaiting, bickering, etc.  To wit, the moderation measures mentioned above seem much more than reasonable to me.  Thanks for your effort.
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Re: Open letter to users of this room

Post by Maitre D »

Great take.  Sparty is probably pounding his computer desk in anger, reading that.

Maybe I'll celebrate by going to a Minny site, and start talking about how great KC is. 
[img width=472 height=40][/img]

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Re: Open letter to users of this room

Post by mean »

I went ahead and stickied this, as I think KCP makes some good points about ongoing problems in this room particularly.

I do disagree, however, about the photo updates. Personally, I really enjoy photo updates from people around the region and would like to see that continue, IF it can happen without consistently devolving into nonsense flamewars. I'm not even sure it's possible, but it would be nice.

One thing that really infuriated me, and I never want to see again as long as this forum exists, was a certain user from a certain city making a comment about how a mod should just dumpster a thread because he was going to make sure it devolved into a flame war, because someone said something he didn't like. That is hands down the most childish, petty behavior I've seen on this forum. I'm not going to make any more threats. Just don't do that.
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Re: Open letter to users of this room

Post by nota »

KCPowercat wrote: And now....a cat:
And now another cat:

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Re: Open letter to users of this room

Post by Spartan65 »

OK well I've nitpicked it enough. I still say it takes two to tango, and that the people actually from KC really do like their tango in this room. I will mind though and I suppose just stop responding to falsities and crap spread on here. Enjoy your Sonics. &&&

Any involved party can't seriously say it wasn't fun while it lasted though. I think all forums ought to have one room where the rules are relaxed and people can flame each other for the fun of it, but Powercat, Bahua, and the rest can run their forum the way they want.

Of course Powercat is right when he says that this is one of the more successful forums. This is also one of the oldest forums for what we talk about, and in most cases (eOmaha aside) the older the forum, the more active and the more it takes to run it.

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Re: Open letter to users of this room

Post by KCMax »

nota wrote: And now another cat:

You are truly a KC Forum member now!
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Re: Open letter to users of this room

Post by KCPowercat »

Spartan65 wrote: OK well I've nitpicked it enough. I still say it takes two to tango, and that the people actually from KC really do like their tango in this room. I will mind though and I suppose just stop responding to falsities and crap spread on here. Enjoy your Sonics. &&&
Your right, it does take two...which was my point.  Other city sites (yours included) doesn't get a flood of visitors from other cities to stir up this mess as happens here...which is why I called for peace on both sides.
but Powercat, Bahua, and the rest can run their forum the way they want.
Just to be clear....I have no call in how this forum is run anymore unless I'm asked by Bahua et. al. post was more from a user's view that just so happened to have created this room.

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