MARC's "Citizen Engagement in Transportation" Survey

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New York Life
New York Life
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MARC's "Citizen Engagement in Transportation" Survey

Post by carfreekc »

Just noticed this on the MARC site:
Ever wonder how decisions are made about transportation projects that affect your life? Citizen input helps transportation planners understand our community’s needs so they can work out the best ways to get you to your destination. How could you be more involved?

Take a quick survey and tell us how we can improve our outreach.

The goal

MARC’S goal is to have significant and ongoing public participation in the transportation planning process. Education and outreach are an essential part of informing the public about how these decisions are made at the metropolitan level, and MARC seeks to improve opportunities for citizens to voice their ideas and values about transportation.

Updating the plan

MARC is currently updating its Public Participation Plan (formerly referred to as the Public Involvement Plan), which serves as a guide to improve the process for involving citizens in transportation decision making. The plan will be completed in mid 2007. It will include some new information on holding public meetings at convenient and accessible locations and times, employing visualization techniques to better describe the impacts of plans, and making public information available in electronically accessible formats.
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