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OKlahoma City

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 12:10 pm
by eliphar17
I went to see downtown Oklahoma City with my dad after a visit to the University of Oklahoma. We parked on a street in the Bricktown area and walked around. The area was quite nice, lacking the abandoned buildings and other eyesores commonly found in our downtown. They installed an artificial canal to serve as the focus of development, and so far it is working fairly well. We did, however, find an ice cream store that had no sign on its windows, which I thought was odd. Then we hopped on the downtown trolley to go to the Alfred P. Murrah building site, which is on the other side of downtown and would have been an easy enough walk, except that it was 95º outside. The memorial is very powerful, and I imagine it is even more so when lit up at night.

I didn't really see enough of downtown to say what it's like overall, but I can say that it's not quite as big or busy as Kansas City's, mostly because the OKC metro is half the size of ours (1.8 million in KC, 1 million in OKC). I hope Kansas City comes up with some kind of transit system beyond the city buses to take people around downtown.

OKlahoma City

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 8:28 am
by QueSi2Opie
Did you see OKC's downtown Myriad Botanical Garden Complex? It's one of the largest/nicest indoor gardens in the country.