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Re: Election 2008

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 10:51 am
by NDTeve
DaveKCMO wrote: thanks. i'm quite happy to confirm all your worst liberal nightmares.
No worries on this side either as I am a card carrying member of the vast Right Wing conspiracy.

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 10:53 am
by Jess
Maitre D wrote: That's good.  Because, Barack will never allow you to go back to your life as usual, uninvolved, uninformed.
Pffft.  I imagine, at this point, that it would be thoroughly pointless to draw attention to the fact that you have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of my level of involvement, the degree to which I am informed, or really anything of consequence about me, eh?

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 10:59 am
by chrizow
Jess wrote: Pffft.  I imagine, at this point, that it would be thoroughly pointless to draw attention to the fact that you have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of my level of involvement, the degree to which I am informed, or really anything of consequence about me, eh?
i guess you haven't been on this board long enough to understand that maitre d has his finger directly on the pulse of what is happening in the minds and hearts of enormously broad sections of the public - women, black people, liberals, etc. 

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 11:15 am
by Maitre D
Jess wrote: Pffft.  I imagine, at this point, that it would be thoroughly pointless to draw attention to the fact that you have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of my level of involvement, the degree to which I am informed, or really anything of consequence about me, eh?
Dude, I was quoting Mechelle Obama.  Laugh a little.

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:15 pm
by shaffe
any thoughts on the Great Delegate Compromise of '08?

it seems to be the only fair way to have done it i think.  you couldn't award obama 0 delegates of michigan and you couldn't seat the full delegation either.  the rules were there for a reason and the half a vote per delegate is a good middle ground of enforcing the rules and providing a voice for the vote.

of course i could just be some mindless obama sheep who's happy just because the deal seemed to benefit him.

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:13 am
by DaveKCMO
i watched over 3 hours of the meeting yesterday on C-SPAN. it was a great show. interesting that there were essentially three options for each state (from the state party, the clinton camp, and the obama camp). i think you can also expect that iowa and new hampshire will NOT be the first contests in the next primary. apparently the new hampshire secretary of state unilaterally moved to keep their spot on the 2008 calendar and the party didn't do anything about it, but punished michigan and florida.

oh, and harold ickes needs to shut it. what a sore loser.

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:40 am
by ComandanteCero
so... will it end tonight?  Will Clinton grant a concession speech today or will she wait a few days?

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:59 am
by DaveKCMO
ComandanteCero wrote: so... will it end tonight?  Will Clinton grant a concession speech today or will she wait a few days?
it doesn't matter. the media has pretty much stopped giving lip service to her evolving claims. every single article about the "popular vote" argument contains between three and six calculations and she doesn't win all of them. add on top of that the drunken appearance on MSNBC by her campaign chair and the laughable showmanship of harold ickes* at the rules and bylaws committee on saturday, and it is indeed over.

*ickes is on the committee and originally voted last year to strip michigan and florida of 100% of their delegations.

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:35 pm
by Tosspot
And... Obama's the man. Hot damn!

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:39 pm
by AllThingsKC
Wow.  And to think that just yesterday he was a "long shot" to get the nomination.  &

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:41 pm
by shaffe
hillary isn't exactly conceding defeat yet.  seems to be keeping up with the same "we have the popular vote lead" and "we won the electoral college count of the primary" stuff she's been saying for the last two weeks.

of course it's not like you'd expect her to do otherwise.

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:54 pm
by FangKC
Expect Hillary to be offered, and accept, the Vice Presidential slot on the ticket.

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:26 am
by KCMax
FangKC wrote: Expect Hillary to be offered, and accept, the Vice Presidential slot on the ticket.
Word is some of Obama's closest advisers are dead set against her being VP. Can you imagine having an ex-Prez as the husband of the vice president! He'd be second guessing Obama's every move. And imagine the baggage the Clinton's bring. As President, you don't want the VP overshadowing you.

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:42 am
by DaveKCMO
FangKC wrote:Expect Hillary to be offered, and accept, the Vice Presidential slot on the ticket.
i'm praying for a deal where she is offered the next open slot on the supreme court (or maybe AG). early on when she was "inevitable", jeffrey toobin noted the reverse was his prediction for how clinton would prevent "obama 2012" (because, you know, everyone expected him to lose).

however, i acknowledge the fact that she kept going until the end for exactly the kind of political leverage needed to overcome obama's instincts. that doesn't make the last two months any less embarrassing.

i think everyone agrees that if you have HRC as VP, please keep bill away... FAR away.

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:43 am
by phxcat
I would hope that Obama has too much respect for the SC to politicize it like that (despite what Bush has done).  I do think that he may have to find room for here somewhere, I'm just not sure I would want her in anything more than a lower level cabinet position.

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:24 am
by KCMax
FINALLY...Hillary to concede and endorse Obama Saturday.

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:35 pm
by Pendergast
I have several conservative friends, some with spouses in the military.  They are usually nice and would probably bake me cookies if i asked them to.  But how do I fight the urge to destroy their internets when I keep getting these "Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim and McCain is the only patriot left" emails?  Someone explain to me how I can keep my friends from being so gullible and passing on rhetoric like this!

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:41 pm
by DaveKCMO
Pendergast wrote: I have several conservative friends, some with spouses in the military.  They are usually nice and would probably bake me cookies if i asked them to.  But how do I fight the urge to destroy their internets when I keep getting these "Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim and McCain is the only patriot left" emails?  Someone explain to me how I can keep my friends from being so gullible and passing on rhetoric like this!
my firm belief is that the people forwarding these things are either secretly scared of his racial background or openly hostile to his political positions and don't literally believe he's a secret muslim, instead thinking that others gullible enough to believe it will actually use this as a criteria for whether or not to vote for him.

honestly, i secretly wish obama was a muslim, as that would send the ultimate message of reconciliation with the muslim world. i guess an open-minded christian will have to do for now.

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:50 pm
by Maitre D
Pendergast wrote: I have several conservative friends, some with spouses in the military.  They are usually nice and would probably bake me cookies if i asked them to.  But how do I fight the urge to destroy their internets when I keep getting these "Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim and McCain is the only patriot left" emails?  Someone explain to me how I can keep my friends from being so gullible and passing on rhetoric like this!
Funny, I was visiting with my gal's folks in from LA last week.  They are both accountants.  They asked me if I knew his middle name was "Hussein" and that he might be Muslim.

I tried not to laugh.  And of course, let them continue believing what they want.

Re: Election 2008

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:29 pm
by Pendergast
Maitre D wrote: I tried not to laugh.  And of course, let them continue believing what they want.
Thats the thing.  To respond and tell them that they are misguided, or tell let them figure it out on their own.  What bothers me is that THIS is the entire reason they vote for Mccain, that he alone is not the reason.  This speaks to the fact that he's uninspiring. 

Full disclosure:  I voted for Kerry in 04 precisely because he was NOT Bush.  I will never vote for someone with a middle name of W.