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MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 11:02 pm
by hartliss

I apologize to the 20,000 JUCO students, whom this comment was not directed towards, just once again misinterpreted by the Cat Backers.

So Michael Bishop and Ell Roberson went to JUCO to work on their game? I guess that is why the powerhouses of college football take advantage of the JUCO players. Didn't Mike Williams go to JUCO to polish his game? Or was it a low test score? No, wait that was Ken Dorsey who went to JUCO to clean up his act.

Yea I guess MU did have that one scandal where the starting QB was accused of rape the night before the Fiesta Bowl. Plenty of legal problems, are you serious? Outside of Clemons (which is B-Ball by the way) MU has not had anymore legal problems than any other school.

Chrizow took care of your 'what does Columbia have to offer outside of the University' comment. If you really think Manhattan offers equal or more than Columbia, I think that dry desert air in Phoenix is messing with your common sense.

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 11:18 pm
by MidtownCat
Roberson was a full qualifier out of high school. Try again.

Seriously, do you really want to bring Ricky "I didn't graduate from high school and took 24 hours of summer school to get me in to MU" Clemons in to this mix?

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 11:21 pm
by chrizow
no one disputes that the MU bball program has had its share of scandal.

so f-ing what? so some stupid kid (clemons) managed to get coaches, students, and the UM PRESIDENTS WIFE to feel sorry for his stupid ass and give him support.

this sports scandal argument is absurd. all programs have had or will have some serious scandal. that's a result of a few typically smart individuals taking stupid risks on a students that wasn't worth it.


MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:53 am
by phxcat
this sports scandal argument is absurd. all programs have had or will have some serious scandal. that's a result of a few typically smart individuals taking stupid risks on a students that wasn't worth it.
Thank you, now lets move on. (And, that Roberson issue was a frame up- everyone kows this)

Roberson didn't go to JuCo. Of course, it looks like Tony Temple may be headed that route- does that make him an idiot? Will he be less of a human being when he makes it to MU in two years?

OK, so you can name a couple players who didn't go to JuCo? What does that prove? Did you go to a JuCo to learn how make an argument using two case studies? Did Terrance Newman go to JuCo to work on his game? Did Darren Sproles? Face it- you are grasping at straws.

I forgot to mention that K-State had more Kansans on the roster than MU had Missourians last year as well. And, many of them contributed.

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 8:02 am
Dan, the story regarding MU fans throwing batteries at the KU band in Columbia is true. Several of my buddies were at the game and they couldn't believe it.....about a dozen MU dorks were thrown out of the game but the other unruly MU losers continued to hurl objects such as ice cubes and peanuts.......those are some great fans, you should be proud. =D>

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 9:57 am
by chrizow
dont play the "MU fans are rude" card. KU fans come here and provoke just as much shit, and MU fans get just as much shit when we come to Lawrence.

it's just drunk frat douches getting rowdy, something both KU and MU have in spades. to say that MU has it worse than KU is the stupidest thing i have ever heard.

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 9:59 am
by KCPowercat
I love these conversations on the internet of "X fans are bad". I was just screwing off.

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 12:42 pm
chrizow wrote:dont play the "MU fans are rude" card. KU fans come here and provoke just as much shit, and MU fans get just as much shit when we come to Lawrence.

it's just drunk frat douches getting rowdy, something both KU and MU have in spades. to say that MU has it worse than KU is the stupidest thing i have ever heard.
Where did I ever say MU is worse than KU? I was just stating a fact of an incident that "actually" occurred and was reported on the sports networks. ****PLEASE**** try reading a post first before you jump in with your illogical conclusions! ](*,)

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 8:54 pm
by StL_Dan
KC_JAYHAWK wrote:Dan, the story regarding MU fans throwing batteries at the KU band in Columbia is true. Several of my buddies were at the game and they couldn't believe it.....about a dozen MU dorks were thrown out of the game but the other unruly MU losers continued to hurl objects such as ice cubes and peanuts.......those are some great fans, you should be proud. =D>

those meanies were throwin' peanuts at us, mommy!


that's ok jimmy....just slash some husker fan's tires. you'll all better in NO time

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 11:35 pm
by trailerkid
chrizow wrote: i am actually considering living here after i graduate vs. KC or STL. i doubt many people say that about their college towns.
Many people say that except when their college town is Milwaukee, Springfield, Morris MN, or even KC. Real college towns (those aborbed by the culture of the university) like Lawrence, Boulder, Burlington, Chapel Hill etc. are always ranked as the best small cities to live in the United States. People specifically seek out these burgs to raise families, starts businesses, meet singles etc. College towns are shizzz fo' real.

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 10:35 am
by chrizow
right, tk.

i've always considered myself a "city person," and wouldn't dream of living in a city smaller than KC (or anywhere south of KC, but that's another topic.)

BUT, despite that, i am STRONGLY drawn to college towns with somewhat large populations. i love the idea of settling in Columbia, Lawrence, Madison, Ann Arbor, Chapel Hill, Charlottesvile VA, etc. they are so cozy and beautiful and manageable, but retain a healthy liberal "big city" mindset b/c the anchor university and its affiliated hospitals, financial institutions, etc. attract people from all over the US and the globe. so you get a small manageable town with a more cosmopolitan feel.

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:58 pm
by Highlander
chrizow wrote:right, tk.

i've always considered myself a "city person," and wouldn't dream of living in a city smaller than KC (or anywhere south of KC, but that's another topic.)

BUT, despite that, i am STRONGLY drawn to college towns with somewhat large populations. i love the idea of settling in Columbia, Lawrence, Madison, Ann Arbor, Chapel Hill, Charlottesvile VA, etc. they are so cozy and beautiful and manageable, but retain a healthy liberal "big city" mindset b/c the anchor university and its affiliated hospitals, financial institutions, etc. attract people from all over the US and the globe. so you get a small manageable town with a more cosmopolitan feel.
I lived quite some time in Lawrence and loved it along with the amenties of a college town. I have to say, even as a grad student, I learned to appreciate the quite summer when the students went home. Nine months per year of hustle and bustle, and incessant traffic, were enough.

By the way, I have been living in Europe for the past 6 years and the college towns over here are also great places to live. A step above similar sized towns without sizable universities. Some of my favorites: Tubingen and Heidelberg Germany and Bergen Norway. Also....isn't Chapel Hill NC South of KC???

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 6:41 pm
by trailerkid
Highlander wrote:
I lived quite some time in Lawrence and loved it along with the amenties of a college town. I have to say, even as a grad student, I learned to appreciate the quite summer when the students went home. Nine months per year of hustle and bustle, and incessant traffic, were enough.
I would argue that summers in Lawrence are no different than the school years presently. I think the bars, restaurants, and grocers do less business overall, but as a citizen the town seems the same.

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 12:30 am
by trailerkid

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 8:03 am
by StL_Dan
someone remind me why i was in such a hurry for football season to arrive :puke:


MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 8:10 am
by KCPowercat
Pinkel = BAD game coach

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 12:16 pm
by BurningMustard
They said he was 2-20 when trailing at half.

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 6:07 pm
by trailerkid
B. Smith: Say bye-bye to the Heisman...

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 6:57 pm
by KCPowercat
tk...can't say bye to something you didn't ever have :D

MIZZOU RAH! Is it football season yet?

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 11:45 pm
by StL_Dan
D Sproles: Say bye-bye to the Heisman