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Re: The forum is trashed, can we turn it around before it's too late?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:04 pm
by warwickland
i would suggest that in the interest of the true subject matter of this forum, kansas city development, the moderation be turned up a notch to levels for a little while, if you know what i mean:) just a suggestion, but it would be refreshing to not have to wade through three feet of garbage to find a tiny morsel of development information. i can only imagine what a pain in the ass that would be, though.

i want interested outsiders to feel comfortable enough to come on here and talk about this city. it's time to cut the losses, in my humble opinion.

Re: could you be any bigger HYPOCRITE?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:10 pm
by Maitre D
chrizow wrote: PittPA may have some unpopular viewpoints on this website, but he does not cause the sort of flaming and chaos that some other forumers do. 

in my 3 years on this board, the last few months have been the absolute worst in terms of crybaby arguments and flame wars.  there are about 6 people responsible, and they, unsurprisingly, are typically the people complaining about "unfair" moderation.  PittPA is not one of these people. 
Thanks dawg.  I got yo back, whenever you need it.  We be bridgin' ideological and political gaps & shiz.

Peace out brotha.  (but actually, i don't have your back when Chef posts, i'm out on those threads from now on)

Re: could you be any bigger HYPOCRITE?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:18 pm
by im2kull
chrizow wrote: PittPA may have some unpopular viewpoints on this website, but he does not cause the sort of flaming and chaos that some other forumers do. 

in my 3 years on this board, the last few months have been the absolute worst in terms of crybaby arguments and flame wars.  there are about 6 people responsible, and they, unsurprisingly, are typically the people complaining about "unfair" moderation.  PittPA is not one of these people. 

problem-causers, in no particular order:

* Chef (you post some great stuff man, but you got to 4000+ posts in a short time due to your incessant arguments)
* Justin
* Michael
* lock and load (thankfully lock has calmed down since the stadium vote)
* the STL trolls (not Jive, but loftdweller, CGO)
* Joemoney
* im2kull (again, stadium thing, problem seems to be over)
* Paintfumes (not a troll, but nonsensical nonetheless).

i'm just saying. 
Not to be an ass, but hey, thanks for at least getting me on A list.  I know I stir up alot of crap, but thats what happens when you support the unpopular side.  I try and make good points, and use good quality facts in the majority of my posts, and now that the stadium stuff is done with, at least for now...we can get back to not flaming each other...everyone...that was more than just a few people.

Re: could you be any bigger HYPOCRITE?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:40 pm
by WoodDraw
chrizow wrote: PittPA may have some unpopular viewpoints on this website, but he does not cause the sort of flaming and chaos that some other forumers do. 

in my 3 years on this board, the last few months have been the absolute worst in terms of crybaby arguments and flame wars.  there are about 6 people responsible, and they, unsurprisingly, are typically the people complaining about "unfair" moderation.  PittPA is not one of these people. 

problem-causers, in no particular order:

* Chef (you post some great stuff man, but you got to 4000+ posts in a short time due to your incessant arguments)
* Justin
* Michael
* lock and load (thankfully lock has calmed down since the stadium vote)
* the STL trolls (not Jive, but loftdweller, CGO)
* Joemoney
* im2kull (again, stadium thing, problem seems to be over)
* Paintfumes (not a troll, but nonsensical nonetheless).

i'm just saying. 
That looks like a reasonable list to me, although definitely some more than others.

It's worth adding that it isn't all about taking unpopular sides that gets you branded as a trouble maker.  There is a way to have legitimate discussions without it inevitably falling into "flaming".  AKP is always the popular example in that just about everyone disagrees with him, but he offers his arguments in a reasonable way and somehow avoids trashing other people in the progress.  Why is the presence of a controversial subject somehow seen as an excuse to throw out self control?

I don't want to preach, and I'm sure I've been guilty in the past so I'll stop before people start digging through my old posts.  I think GRID is right though in that this forum has become a lot less enjoyable to read.  When I first registered here, I spent the first few weeks reading through every post in every topic.  Today, I couldn't imagine doing that not because there are more posts, but because there is a hell of a lot less substance. 

Re: The forum is trashed, can we turn it around before it's too late?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:44 pm
by KCN
I realized a while ago that this forum quit being any fun for me since I had to start moderating.  I had always been moderator, but it was just recently this site started demanding a lot of moderation.  Once that started, my time on this forum went from enjoying conversations and BS'ing with people to being on a constant watch, and it made me feel like a parent.  My posts weren't fun anymore, just "don't do this" and "knock it off" and that is not fun for me.

So with that, and the lack of free time I have now, I decided a couple weeks ago to take a break from posting.  I usually don't feel the need to announce when I quit a forum (e.g. Skyscraperpage, skyscrapercity and chiefsplanet), but since I am a moderator I feel it should be known that I am taking a break from posting, and moderating.  This is not me saying "this forum sucks I'm leaving wah wah" - I just don't have the time to post that I used to.  Just in case anyone cares :)  I will still be lurking though, this site has too much good info.

Re: The forum is trashed, can we turn it around before it's too late?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:52 pm
by chrizow
i'll take your spot as moderator.  :twisted:

Re: The forum is trashed, can we turn it around before it's too late?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:57 pm
by im2kull
chrizow wrote: i'll take your spot as moderator.   :twisted:
Or me...

But yeah, I stopped posting for a long while from december to a month or so ago, and emerged into a flame war about the stadiums.  I had always came to this site, about 2 years before I made my actual account, because it was soo informative.  I think the forum has degraded slightly to moderately, and we are all responsible for that, but the site as a whole could use some attention and updating to the projects and stuff.  I would be willing to seriously donate stuff too, I could even do it from here, I know what to do, and ive got every photo and web app known to man.

Re: could you be any bigger HYPOCRITE?

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:10 pm
by Deleted User
chrizow wrote: PittPA may have some unpopular viewpoints on this website, but he does not cause the sort of flaming and chaos that some other forumers do. 

in my 3 years on this board, the last few months have been the absolute worst in terms of crybaby arguments and flame wars.  there are about 6 people responsible, and they, unsurprisingly, are typically the people complaining about "unfair" moderation.  PittPA is not one of these people. 

problem-causers, in no particular order:

* Chef (you post some great stuff man, but you got to 4000+ posts in a short time due to your incessant arguments)
* Justin
* Michael
* lock and load (thankfully lock has calmed down since the stadium vote)
* the STL trolls (not Jive, but loftdweller, CGO)
* Joemoney
* im2kull (again, stadium thing, problem seems to be over)
* Paintfumes (not a troll, but nonsensical nonetheless).

i'm just saying.
That's just great. Maybe everyone should be like the 90% of posters that just hang out and quip one-liners. You should be complaining about the lack of content in posts. At least I post complete, legible thoughts. Really, this forum is a becoming a sissy playground of sophmoric one-liners.

And your fairness is so well thought out. Jive has fought with every single person on here and adds nothing to any thread i've seen him post in.

The people you loath keep the site exciting, without them it would be little more than professional college students or drop outs with maxed student loans bantering about beer, chinese food, trendy clothing stores and what's politically correct this week. I never come online to see what you and your ilk post. I look for real comments from people that actually live here, pay taxes here and are committed to the area.

Some people post things that provoke thought, others just waste time.

Re: The forum is trashed, can we turn it around before it's too late?

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:20 pm
by Deleted User
Captain Callout wrote: Here are the two main causers of troubles in order of how bad they each are:
1. Kcdcchef-This poster is by far the commander in chief of taking threads off topic, stirring, and just overall causing problems. Ban him now.
2. Michael@ - This kid is worthless.  Ban him now.  All he does is troll and try to get a rise out of everyone.
Devin, Jive or some other cowardly morbid form. You are someone that is already on this site but too cowardly to say it with your real screename.  We sure need more obvious flamers like you around here.

Why isn't this person banned? They've confessed that they are already a member and just posing.

Re: The forum is trashed, can we turn it around before it's too late?

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:52 pm
by Captain Callout
Michael® wrote: Devin, Jive or some other cowardly morbid form. You are someone that is already on this site but too cowardly to say it with your real screename.  We sure need more obvious flamers like you around here.

Why isn't this person banned? They've confessed that they are already a member and just posing.

Re: could you be any bigger HYPOCRITE?

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 8:03 pm
by chrizow
Michael® wrote: That's just great. Maybe everyone should be like the 90% of posters that just hang out and quip one-liners. You should be complaining about the lack of content in posts. At least I post complete, legible thoughts. Really, this forum is a becoming a sissy playground of sophmoric one-liners.

And your fairness is so well thought out. Jive has fought with every single person on here and adds nothing to any thread i've seen him post in.

The people you loath keep the site exciting, without them it would be little more than professional college students or drop outs with maxed student loans bantering about beer, chinese food, trendy clothing stores and what's politically correct this week. I never come online to see what you and your ilk post. I look for real comments from people that actually live here, pay taxes here and are committed to the area.

Some people post things that provoke thought, others just waste time.
1. i dont loathe anyone.  i just pointed out the people that seem to instigate/stoke flamewars.  sorry if you disagree.
2. like it or not, recent (or fairly recent) college graduates and people interested in chinese food, beer, and trendy clothing stores comprise the bulk of the people moving to the urban core of KC from elsewhere.  who do you think is moving into downtown lofts?  plaza apartments?  midtown apartments?
3. i've paid KC taxes in the past and will resume doing so in a couple of short months.  KC will get a lot of my money through both taxes as well as general spending. 
4. i really don't care whether you log in to this site to read posts by me and my "ilk" (whatever the hell that is).  i post what i want to post, and so do you.  i just happen to cause less trouble. 

Re: The forum is trashed, can we turn it around before it's too late?

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:51 pm
by Deleted User
^ you cause less trouble.... ahhhh..... that's precious.

This thread sounds like a bunch of cackling old ladies at a quilt party with nothing better to do than to sit around and gossip.

Re: The forum is trashed, can we turn it around before it's too late?

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 1:28 am
by Deleted User
Captain Callout wrote: Here are the two main causers of troubles in order of how bad they each are:
1. Kcdcchef-This poster is by far the commander in chief of taking threads off topic, stirring, and just overall causing problems. Ban him now.
2. Michael@ - This kid is worthless.  Ban him now.  All he does is troll and try to get a rise out of everyone.
Captain Callout finally exposed!
No wonder he's anonymous, if his boyfriend catches him on here he'll get beeotch-slapped with his own violin.

Re: The forum is trashed, can we turn it around before it's too late?

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 5:14 pm
by Deleted User
aknowledgeableperson wrote: A downtown sports arena at 14th and Grand would be a loser.  Sorry, you do not build an arena to have the Big 12 once every three to five years if you are lucky.  Don't look for professional basketball or hockey to come here.
The NHL has its problems. Besides the KC marketplace cannot afford an average ticket price of $50 to support a team.  When the Blades were here they couldn't even average 4,000 in actual attendance with their low ticket prices, not the announced attendance.  And I have 3 questions for NHL 21 about the exhibition game.  How many actual tickets were sold?  How many tickets were comped?  How many people were actually in the stands?
The NBA also has its problems.  Besides when was the last time it was mentioned that an NBA team even thought about moving here?  Where have the last five teams moved to?

Re: The forum is trashed, can we turn it around before it's too late?

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:32 pm
by aknowledgeableperson
And your point is?????????????????????????????????????????