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Re: Kansas City to get 2012 MLB All-Star Game

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:36 am
by warwickland
I saw a couple really good shots that made KC look awesome but they got slapped away really fast by commercials.

Re: Kansas City to get 2012 MLB All-Star Game

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:33 am
by KC-wildcat
KCMax wrote:
Did you guys not watch the game? There were shots of Union Station, HR Block Building, P&L District, the Eighth Street Fountain, I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch.
I DVRd it and watched everything from the FOX4 news coverage (6-630) all the way through the 7th inning stretch. I recall a bunch of Vine shots, the 8th St. fountain, blimp shot of downtown at sunset, etc. don't recall the P&L, Union Station, etc.

All in all, it was good coverage. Just seems like most telecasts of major sporting events will have 5-10 second advertising intros after every commercial break with a cityscape video clip playing in the background. It is what it is. Kansas City looked great, weather was great, and I'm confident that KCMO out of towners were impressed and surprised.

Re: Kansas City to get 2012 MLB All-Star Game

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:59 am
by KCMax
Union Station came pretty early, maybe just before the first pitch.

The did have pretty quick bumpers though. It was like a split second shot of KC. Wish they had shown people too, to show a vibrant city rather than just pretty buildings.

Re: Kansas City to get 2012 MLB All-Star Game

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:07 am
by bobbyhawks
I fast forwarded through most of the game, but it seems like the coverage made the actual game look a lot more interesting than it really was (esp. considering it was one of the worst AS games ever from a pure game perspective). There was really very little to cheer about during the game outside of polite applause and the great Chipper/Butler moments, but I think it seemed more lively on TV than I remember it being in person. MLB brought in one of the most annoying people ever to shout at fans during each break, but overall, it was a fun event. My only regret is that it wasn't a better game, because I think that the nation would be impressed with how much noise we would make for a tight game.

Re: Kansas City to get 2012 MLB All-Star Game

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:52 am
by KCMax
All-Star Game created $60 million in economic impact

Generated $1 mill in sales tax funds (about what the city spent for the game), and it generated "psychic capital". We felt good about ourselves.

Also some stuff in there about how the NRA wants to come here for a convention but can't because we lack a convention hotel.