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Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:45 pm
by Highlander
FangKC wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:55 pm Map of reported COVID cases in New York City by zip code. The interesting aspect of this is that the most dense parts of NYC (Manhattan) don't have the highest reports of COVID infection. At least so far. ... -zip-code/
Yea. Not even close. Brooklyn, Queens and Bronx seem to be far more impacted. Staten Island even has a node. Maybe because the outlying areas are more dependent on public transport while Manhattan itself is relatively walkable?


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:02 am
by kas1
FangKC wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:55 pm Map of reported COVID cases in New York City by zip code. The interesting aspect of this is that the most dense parts of NYC (Manhattan) don't have the highest reports of COVID infection. At least so far. ... -zip-code/
What's more interesting is that the neighborhood with the most cases is Corona.


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:15 am
by kas1
The NY Times also made a map and wrote an article based on that data, and they also reported the number the number of cases per 100,000 residents for each borough... except Staten Island for some reason.

Queens - 616
Bronx - 584
Brooklyn - 453
Manhattan - 376

The map in your article is a bit misleading because it's colored based upon the total number of cases in a zip code rather than the density of cases. That exaggerates the degree to which Manhattan is lower since it has a lot of small zip codes. ... s-map.html


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:19 am
by kas1
Highlander wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:45 pm
FangKC wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:55 pm Map of reported COVID cases in New York City by zip code. The interesting aspect of this is that the most dense parts of NYC (Manhattan) don't have the highest reports of COVID infection. At least so far. ... -zip-code/
Yea. Not even close. Brooklyn, Queens and Bronx seem to be far more impacted. Staten Island even has a node. Maybe because the outlying areas are more dependent on public transport while Manhattan itself is relatively walkable?
Maybe more people who were able to work from home and fewer people with jobs that require a lot of interaction with the public?


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:02 am
by earthling
Yeah, more in Manhattan probably able to work from home and also many wealthy around world own a 'flat' in Manhattan and likely not there. And many more in MH have a second place somewhere else and likely there given NYC biggest outbreak. And different social demographics probably vary on how seriously they take social distancing - or situational ability to.

Pretty good chance many who have an option to leave NYC did and MHites likely have more options. My Brooklyn brother intended to head to FL or MO but needed to stay.


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:18 am
by earthling
Beliefs also may impact lack of social distancing. I'm still in Florida and while at a store overheard two talking in Spanglish about [paraphrasing] no need for social distancing if you have the 'blood of Jesus on your door' and other references about a second Passover. And many still think of it as just a notch or two worse than flu. More likely to find similar demographics in Queens and Bronx than Manhattan.


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:39 am
by brewcrew1000
This is what I don't get in the stats and reporting. It was announced today that former saints kicker Tom Dempsey died of the virus but he recovered from the virus 5 days ago. What the media doesn't tell u is that he has suffered from Dementia, and Alzheimer’s since 2013 and had heart issues and diabetes.

People in Hospice care with weeks to live are getting counted in the stats but I guarantee most had stage 5 cancer and would have been gone weeks later virus or no virus.


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:13 am
by kas1
He was moved into hospice care after getting diagnosed with coronavirus and died a few days later. Why wouldn't that count in the stats? He'd lived with his other conditions for 8 years. People erroneously reporting that he had recovered has no bearing on his cause of death. He was positively diagnosed and died while suffering the same symptoms that are killing everyone else.


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:25 am
by brewcrew1000
So your saying if someone is in hospice care with stage 5 brain cancer and he dies of the flu, the cause of death is the flu? Even though he was in hospice care and was basically preparing to die not because of the flu but because the stage 5 cancer couldn't be cured.


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:48 am
by earthling
Yeah have brought this up before. There is apparently no standard for establishing cause of death. Methinks if someone dies with 2 or more conditions then all conditions should be listed. Stats might be biased by place.


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:45 pm
by kas1
brewcrew1000 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:25 am So your saying if someone is in hospice care with stage 5 brain cancer and he dies of the flu, the cause of death is the flu? Even though he was in hospice care and was basically preparing to die not because of the flu but because the stage 5 cancer couldn't be cured.
I'm saying you've been serving up awful takes since the start of the thread to try to pass this off as a hoax. He didn't have brain cancer. He wasn't in hospice care until he got coronavirus. 9000 Americans have died and the most questionable death that you can find is one that you just made up. We're in the midst of a global crisis and you want to nitpick about how the most marginal of cases should be classified. And meanwhile there are parts of the world where deaths aren't even getting classified at all because people are dying faster than they're getting tested.


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:58 pm
by brewcrew1000
I never said the kicker had brain cancer. That was a seperate issue. People in hospice are dying and they say the cause is covid-19, so why should the cause of death be covid-19? One was a person in Nebraska that was like 92 died in a hospice this way.
The kicker did have dementia, diabetes, heart issues and Alzheimer's, so he did have a lot of health issues before getting the virus.


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:45 pm
by Major KC Fan
It doesn’t matter what a patient’s co-morbidities are, they still died of Covid-19. If they have terminal cancer and die in a car wreck they died because of a car wreck. Your logic is of the same demeanor as the politicians saying we should go about our regular activities because “only the old and higher risk” will probably die if they contract Covid-19. That logic has been disproven by the wide range of all types of patients that have contracted and died of the virus.


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 5:14 pm
by FangKC
Thank you Major KC Fan.

These arguments are just ill-conceived. My maternal grandmother was told she would die of congestive heart failure when she was 92, right after a heart attack. She lived alone then--and until she was 102-years-old--in her own home. She continued to live in that home until she was just months shy of 104, with a hired lady who spent the nights to make sure she didn't fall and be left unattended. Had she died during the COVID outbreak at age 95, 98, 101, that would have been the cause of death.


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 5:24 pm
by earthling
Makes you wonder if Florida and Texas are not counting COVID related deaths even if COVID as at least part of cause. That is someone with terminal cancer that has less than a month to live gets COVID and dies but is counted as a cancer death and not a COVID death. Is possible that warmer weather reduces deaths in southern states but could some states be reporting some COVID involved deaths as something else?

A simpler standardized rule might be to list cause of death with ALL known conditions that could plausibly cause death.

Sort this table by 'Deaths/1M Pops' to see how low FL/TX COVID deaths are relative to known cases...


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 5:34 pm
by FangKC
There will be a lot of COVID deaths not recorded simply because there are seniors dying and they aren't being tested for COVID post-mortem. Simply because there is not enough testing.

Dr. Deborah Binx, on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, has stated now is not the time to go to the grocery store or pharmacy.

New York City will run out of ventilators on Tuesday, and Lousiana will run out on Thursday.

United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been hospitalized.


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 5:35 pm
by mean
brewcrew1000 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:25 am So your saying if someone is in hospice care with stage 5 brain cancer and he dies of the flu, the cause of death is the flu?
You literally answered the question in the second half of your sentence with the fact immediately preceding the comma.


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 5:52 pm
by Highlander
Major KC Fan wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:45 pm It doesn’t matter what a patient’s co-morbidities are, they still died of Covid-19. If they have terminal cancer and die in a car wreck they died because of a car wreck. Your logic is of the same demeanor as the politicians saying we should go about our regular activities because “only the old and higher risk” will probably die if they contract Covid-19. That logic has been disproven by the wide range of all types of patients that have contracted and died of the virus.
It's nice to see a little sanity and humanity here. So many other comments on various forums and social media are still all about getting back to work and just let the old folks isolate themselves. The most insane are from Missourians that point to the relative lack of C19 related deaths in the state and wonder why things are in lockdown. Well, the US at one point in time only had 1 fatality and now we will soon be at 10,000 and a few days after that, we will likely be at 20,000. It's like we all forgot what exponents mean once we quit taking math courses.


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 6:01 pm
by earthling
It's not just about a choice of 2 approaches though. We could also come up with creative ways to cautiously bring back workforce while taking social distancing seriously. Getting PPE and N95 masks in hands of workforce could still slow down spreading while not destroying the economy. The fact that we have many working essential stores *w/out* PPE is perhaps more dangerous to general public and those at risk than getting most workforce back in place *with* PPE and with standardized workplace safety procedures. No one has immunity so herd immunity over time will likely take place given no vaccine, but it's about getting it to a manageable level.


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 6:05 pm
by FangKC
The other thing that needs to be said when people argue the old people are about to die anyway. That may be true, but what is not being recognized is that many of them might normally die a quiet death while asleep. But because of COVID-19, they are dying a very cruel death that involves painful coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, and struggling to breathe for hours and days before they die. So those who are cavalier about infecting them are causing many seniors, and other chronically-ill people, an unnecessarily cruel death. Some of the seniors that might die aren't ill, or have cancer, diabetes, dementia; yet they may die the same cruel death because some people cannot be inconvenienced.