DT Directory

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Western Auto Lofts
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DT Directory

Post by kcteen »

I'm really starting to think this should be redone but wasnt the freakign downotnw council supposed to come out with their version like a while ago?
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DT Directory

Post by KCLofts »

At the recent Downtown Neighborhood Association meeting, they mentioned that a printed version of the Downtown Council's directory was at the printers.

Don't know how that relates to an on-line version.

I'm not sure the Downtown Council is really equipped to maintain an online directory. Their website is never updated.
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DT Directory

Post by staubio »

It doesn't need to be redone so much as it needs to be leveraged. Lets tie it in with the forum and promote it externally. It is a great resource, but it needs pictures and reviews -- that will beget more pictures and reviews and more users. People can demystify downtown destination before going.
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DT Directory

Post by KCPowercat »

talking with people I'm not sure the council will ever have an online version similiar to what kcdowntowndirectory is. they will have an electronic version of their printed material.

they will keep it more up to date than we'll be able to but I think they were planning to print a copy once per year like the phone book. Be nice if their web had instant updates.

Maybe we can use their information and populate the directory....I doubt they would mind, it's not like we're making money off of it.

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Western Auto Lofts
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DT Directory

Post by kcteen »

I think if its to be redone it could keep more or less the same setup but with a better layout (any web people out there?) and user interface.

Also, since it is a downtown directory, it would be a good place to have a good, complete housing options browser. Perhaps even a limited, free to downtowners, classifieds. An event calender, too, but that could use the same database as the one on the forum.

We never really advertised the directory, just let people find it (like through the main page of the kcskyscrapers.com). If we told business owners about it or got the downtown council to include us in their publications as an affliated resource, it would be great. Perhaps even see about partnering with barscoop and using their database for information on downtown bars/happy hour specials and at the same time giving links to their page as a kick-back--just brainstorming here

another thing that would be cool is a flash graphics-intensive "downtown tour for beginners" movie that could be put togheter and played that would be a good introduction (with sound, movie clips, pictures) to downtowns neighborhoods, history, and future. On the same note, a move about using public transit (bus, MAX) could be put together showing how easy to use it is and showing some images of hihglights (destinations) on the way. Also each district could have a quick link to photos from that district (Tosspott, you mind?? ;) )

If we could get a clear outline of what to put together, surely some forum people could pitch in small amounts of the entire project.

Any other ideas of what should be included if it is redone? Also, Michael, I know you would like to see the northeast configured as a separate neighborhood from the east side. That has been logged.

edit: Also, getting the Downtown Neighborhoods Association and the Crossroads Association to pass the information along to their residents and business owners would be great for the site.

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DT Directory

Post by scooterj »

What parameter determines if a business gets listen in a specific neighborhood? I've found a few businesses listed inside the loop that don't appear on the sub-neighborhood listings.
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