I agree with this. If you (chuck i guess) only read a page surrounding a couple of side comments regarding your blog post and think that is the extent of discussion on this blog, then you are sorely mistaken. Instead of jumping and baiting people you should have asked for (or better yet looked) for the many substantive posts littered throughout this forum. I suggest looking into mgsports history to see our depth and thoughtfulness in urban design.shinatoo wrote:So I don't want to be a dick to Chuck. My issue was he wrote a pretty flimsy blog that KC was the brunt of. We were all having a talk about it and making our inside jokes and he got pissy.
It's like he walked into a bar where a bunch of friends were gathered, crackin wise to each other. He heard something and got offended. Instead of leaving the bar, or, defending his position with some facts, he started bitchin about it. That will get you shouted down in any bar.
Chuck, you are very welcome here. Please explain your point (which I think we all get). You're not wrong, you just came at our city strong. And as disgusted as were are with what has happened to our fair town over the last 4 decades, it's still our town, and we will protect it.
Like, shinatoo said, this conversation has been going on for many YEARS. if this is how you introduce yourself to a crowd i can see why i have never heard of you.
and yes, KC streets have zero traffic, little life/connectivity, and are wide in many places IMO.