Strip the City series starting on Science Channel Feb 5

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Strip the City series starting on Science Channel Feb 5

Post by FangKC »

About the Show

Strip The City uses stunning CGI animation to strip major cities naked of their steel, concrete, buildings, roads, rivers and bedrock – layer by layer – to explore the secret technology and infrastructure that keeps them running.

What stops Dubai's super tall skyscrapers – balanced on unstable sand – from toppling over? How can San Francisco survive – sitting on the edge of a major earthquake fault? And how did the ancient Romans build a city of a million people without modern technology?

This series explores these and other mysteries, by peeling the glass off buildings, rolling back the tarmac on roads and sucking the water out of rivers to expose the hidden infrastructure beneath six major cities: London, Rome, Dubai, Sydney, Toronto and San Francisco.

As we explore what lies beneath each metropolis we come face to face with the people who are instrumental in keeping these cities alive and well – the engineers building and looking after the city's infrastructure. These characters are larger than life - with a huge passion and energy for what they do.

We explore how engineers in London are updating its huge underground Metro network, how workers in San Francisco are building earthquake proof skyscrapers and bridges, and how buildings in Dubai can weather sandstorms and survive in the searing desert heat.

Stunning CGI animation strips back the walls of buildings, sucks up expanses of ocean to expose sunken cities, and slices away slabs of rock to reveal the workings of volcanoes close-up.

As we peel back the layers, we'll reveal an alien landscape of underground volcanoes, hidden rivers, subterranean cliffs, fragile fault lines, and ancient catacombs - geological wonders that play a surprising role shaping the cities and the lives of the people above.

This series reveals a world never seen before – an alien geological universe normally hidden under tarmac and concrete…a landscape of unprecedented wonder, turbulence and scale.
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