Jesus Camp. . .

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Re: Jesus Camp. . .

Post by WSPanic »

The question wasn't for you, it was for WSP.
But I'll humor you for a moment.

Jerking off - qualifier:do you mean masterbating to pornography? Which is addictive, denigrates women, destroys love within the marriage and wreaks havoc on the thoughts of men? Other than those things you won't find much else said from Christians on the subject. Mostly it's airheads wrongly spouting off something to the effect that pro-life must be against masterbation since it's killing babies. How dumb.

Pre-marital sex - you bet, premarital sex destroys lives, spreads disease, causes unwanted pregnancy and major insecurities. It diminishes true sexuality to sub-human form.

Taking God's name in vain - why do you need or want to do that? Just to make Christians angry? Like you really need to do this? If you think you really need to do this you're brainwashed. And I haven't heard anyone discuss this fro a pulpit in years.

Homosexuality- look at th average lifestyle, drug dependency and life expectancy of a homosexual. It kills.

Butt sex - here you're just wrong. Within the marriage there's nothing wrong with this if both partners agree. You're showing major ignorance here.

Blow jobs - see above

Same sex marriage - this is a no-brainer. See homosexuality above and the law of the land.

Doing drugs they destroy and kill the body and mind. They enslave people not ulike porn.

Murder taking innocent life outside of self-defense is wrong, read the law.
First of all, I whole-heartedly agree with KC Metros list. This is a forum and your questions are subject to everyone's response.

And you spoke volumes when you said you were going to humor us. Wow. Your views are so ridiculous, most don't even merit a response. Homosexuality kills? All premarital sex is sub human?

That answers notas original question about why people hate Christians. It's your oversimplified world view that leaves no room for alternative opinions or ways of living. Your "taking God's name in vein" argument alone illustrates your overwhelming problem - you don't own god. If I'm taking the lord's name in vein - it's my lord -  not yours. The fact you are so wrapped up in your own believe that you think me saying "god dammit" is just to make Christians mad? Give me a fucking break.

By the way - if you don't keep kosher - you're going to hell too. It's in the bible.
If it doesn't have street-level retail, it's an abortion.
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Re: Jesus Camp. . .

Post by chrizow »

k.  that'll do.  take it outside, kids. 