Animal Collective show in Lawrence (Sun. 5/20/07)

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Animal Collective show in Lawrence (Sun. 5/20/07)

Post by chrizow »

did anyone here go to this show?

i did, and it was unbelievable.  i have been to a lot of concerts in my day, and this might have been my favorite ever.  the band sounded incredible and the crowd (a packed Granada!) was frenzied (and smelly).  there really isn't a single band out there like Animal Collective, and the show proved that they are one of a kind and genius. 

for those that do not know, Animal Collective plays a rather original brand of music which incorporates many influences but copies no one - (freak) folk, tribalism, calypso rhythms, Beach Boys harmonies, the dynamics of house music, avant-garde electronic, rock, etc. all mixed together in a hallucinogenic way.  their records are great but really do no justice to their live sound.  they played essentially the entirety of their upcoming album, and it has a lot more in common with the latest Panda Bear (member of AC) album Person Pitch than the Animal Collective's last album (Feels). 

anyway, did anyone go?  thoughts?  i would have to think that some KCrag folks were there, since the show had KC Indie Rock Show Of the Year written all over it.
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