Good news/Bad news

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Good news/Bad news

Post by KCPowercat »

OK first the good news, site is getting more and more activity by more and more users. More lurkers and more people finding just general information on the site and the message board. This is awesome news and is exceding all my exceptations from 3-4 years ago (however long ago it was)

OK so that's cool and all......along with that comes more expenses from added bandwidth and diskspace. Now I'm far from going broke on the site but the addition of the google ads on the main page has really helped....I'd like to see the site at least hold it's own.

So I have started investigating and have put up an ad for You will find it on the front page and it is simply an amazon button with a search engine on it. All you do is if you want something from amazon, just search for it from that box and the website will got a small portion of the proceeds. If you never click on it, fine with me. I never click on other site's ads and I usually find them I'm trying to find things that are low key, add value to the site, without hijacking your browser and making you fight through pop ups.

Anyways, enough of that. Feel free to call me a sellout and if you have problems with the ads, I have no problem removing them. This site is very minimial costs and I have no problem dropping the ads all together. You can comment in here w/o me knowing who you are (I could find your IP but I just want honest opinions, i don't care to know if you don't want me to).

I am also looking for more content on the site so if you have any ideas, please throw them out. I'm up to trying anything that will help the users of this site. I did put together the construction map but that either sucks or nobody knows about it.

So give me your opinions on something you'd like to see....I'm stale with ideas and will work on anything.

Thanks for listening and hopefully understanding.

Last edited by KCPowercat on Mon Mar 29, 2004 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Good news/Bad news

Post by tat2kc »

Hey, as long as there are no pop-up ads, do what you feel you need to. Anything to keep this fine site up works for me!
Are you sure we're talking about the same God here, because yours sounds kind of like a dick.
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Good news/Bad news

Post by KCPowercat »

ok I just sold your personal information to 50 straight porn sites :)

Just kidding...actually I did also add a privacy policy showing nothing will be sold. (Hell i don't even have anything to sell)

thanks for the support tat...I feel so cheap.

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Good news/Bad news

Post by KCDevin »

in short, what is going on? ;)
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Good news/Bad news

Post by Missionite »

I've never minded ads on sites as long as they aren't too obtrusive and aren't pop-ups. I have faith that you won't have ads with banners telling me that I'm the 100,000th visitor to the site or that I can click on the "monkey" to redeem a $50 gift card.

What you could do though is set up a sort of shop using Amazon and some other sites with items about Kansas City. Of course, there could also be a search bar for those not necessarily wanting Kansas City items.

I ran a site a long while ago about KC's sports teams and had links to merchandise for the Chiefs and Royals (posters, cards, memorabilia, etc.) and you could maybe do the same for general KC stuff. Just a thought.

Finally...if you wanted to start selling mousepads, shirts, mugs, calendars etc. there is a cool site out there that I go through for one of my web sites to sell merchandise through. It's free to use and design the products and they take care of the shipping, etc. All you do is set up the store and choose your prices and you're on your way. If your interested visit ... by=smnorth . (by using this link i get a small referral credit if you or anyone else sign up :wink: ) I think it would be cool to actually have a calendar with different Kansas City photos on it. Heck, it would be neat to have ANYTHING with photos of 1KCP or the KC skyline on it.

Anyway...hope this helps and is useful.

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