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I Hate Kansas Politicians

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 4:33 pm
by KCK
Here we are and the legislative session is almost over and the Kansas senate doesn't want alcohol sold on Sundays. Give me a break, its obvious that the people want Sunday liquor sales, and if brought up on a public vote it would pass without much effort, but politicians who think Kansans are too stupid to make decisions on their own have nearly screwed us over again.

I don't even want to know what will happen with the gambling. Probably some bible-belt hick from middle of nowhere will convince everyone we still live in the 1950's. All I can say is, I live 5 miles from Missouri, you hick politicians aren't stopping me from doing anything. I will buy alcohol on Sundays, and gamble legally every night if I want to still. ... /news1.txt

Senate votes against Sunday liquor sales

Liquor uniformity bill passes without Sunday amendment


Kansan news editor

Sunday liquor sales could be a matter of the past if a Senate vote taken Thursday stands.

Kansas senators voted 19-16 against an amendment allowing Sunday sales. The amendment was to a liquor laws uniformity bill, according to state Sen. David Haley, D-4th Dist. The bill passed 27-12, without Sunday sales.

Haley said he and the other two senators from Wyandotte County supported Sunday alcohol sales.

The House has voted in favor of Sunday liquor sales, so the Senate measure now probably would go to a conference committee to work out differences, Haley said.

Kansas City, Kan., has had Sunday liquor sales for several months now, as local voters approved it after the Kansas liquor law was declared unconstitutional. Wyandotte County led the way in Sunday liquor sales, and several other cities in the Kansas City area and around the state also have approved Sunday liquor sales.

Another heated Wyandotte County issue scheduled for debate late Thursday afternoon was the gaming issue. Information on this issue was not available by The Kansan's deadline.

"I hope that Sunday sales will emerge from the conference committee because the voters in the municipalities have already voted the referendum in support of it," Haley said.

The amendment to add Sunday liquor sales to the Senate bill was offered by Sen. Pete Brungardt, R-Salina.

Haley said that the Sunday liquor sales issue apparently ran into opposition on moral grounds. Sen. Stan Clark, a conservative Republican from Oakley, Kan., said "he's never had a drink in his life, but he has heard the old saying that 'Daddy was never drunk on Sundays,'" according to Haley.

Sen. John Vratil, R-Leawood, and also Sen. Chris Steineger, D-6th Dist., responded that closing liquor stores on Sundays wouldn't help problem drinkers because people could still get drunk if they bought the alcohol earlier, according to Haley.

In earlier discussions, some area liquor store owners said Sunday sales would allow them to be more competitive with Missouri stores.

"If Sunday sales are rejected, thousands of Kansans will resort to going back to Missouri for their purchases, which would be as regressive as this state could get, considering our fiscal problems," Haley said.

Sunday liquor sales may yet be approved by the Legislature, according to Haley.

"But as of right now, it's definitely on life support," he said.

I Hate Kansas Politicians

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 5:32 pm
by UMKCgal
Gotdayam!!! Our state is so poor already they need to start selling on sundays!! This is a capitalist's all about the $$$! If they want more $$$ to f^&*@ help the budget, then start selling on sundays people!!!! Man, when will this bill ever get passed. I hear ya DMW.

I Hate Kansas Politicians

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 7:15 pm
by QueSi2Opie

I Hate Kansas Politicians

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 6:44 pm
by KCK
So thyey have screwed up Sunday liquor and gambling, and they have school funding pretty screwed up as wel so far. Are these guys good for anything? The Kansas legislature makes seemingly easy decisions difficult.

I Hate Kansas Politicians

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 1:50 pm
by bahua
They are good for providing excellent incentive to move to another state. Unfortunately, while politicians in MO aren't pussy-footish, they are generally crooked, or rather, enough of them are crooked to ruin things for everyone.

I Hate Kansas Politicians

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 12:06 pm
by DanCa
I forget who, but some KS lawmaker argued recently that since liquor isn't sold on Sundays, that would be the only day of the week that some kids' alcoholic fathers don't beat them. I won't bother pointing out the obvious flaws in such a stupid argument.

They should pass a law in KS that makes it illegal for anyone from a county with 10 or fewer residents to be elected to public office. That would do away with most of the rural nutjobs in Topeka. Th

I Hate Kansas Politicians

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 3:48 pm
by KCK
Well the session is over lets look at the issues

School Financing - Unresolved
Casino Gambling - Rejected
Sunday Liquor Sales - Unresolved
Gay Marriage - Unresolved

The result is that the Kansas Legislature did absolutely nothing except jerked off while Kansas residents paid their salaries. But there is good news.


They all have got to go, they are good for nothing and we don't need any of them. Lets vote them out and put some people of action in office. ... 629439.htm

I Hate Kansas Politicians

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 3:56 pm
by KCK
Three other area legislators who missed the vote — Sen. David Haley, a Kansas City, Kan., Democrat; Sen. John Vratil, a Leawood Republican; and Rep. Larry Campbell, an Olathe Republican — could not immediately be reached Sunday for a comment.
So here we have an important election at the end of the session and Haley, amongst other KC area legislatures doesn't show up!!!!!!

You know what, we don't need dumb fucks like this in office, but this was really shameful from a Lenexa legislator:
Rep. David Huff, a Lenexa Republican, took a long-planned vacation to Europe.

I Hate Kansas Politicians

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 8:49 pm
by ShowME
Come on DMW at least it was a long planned vacation :wink:

Seriously though heck the Missouri legislature at least passed an increase in school funding even though it doesn't require a tax increase at least it's still an increase. I think I'm gonna write Mr. Huff's office an email just to tell him what an ignorant f*ck he really is.