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Closing Streets for events/construction

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 8:07 pm
by KCPowercat
I know this will sound ironic but we are closing too many streets too often for events. The two biggest offenders are Grand from 13th to Truman. I know this is Cordish's "right" but it's happening too often, causing unnecessary reroutes, and cutting down lanes during events when most needed.

The 2nd biggest offender has to be 13th underneath Bartle. It's closed right now. It was closed for a show the other day. I get there may be times of heavy ped traffic and drivers are idiots here but let's block it off during the time it needs to be blocked off, not just non stop for 4 days.

Lastly the allowance of utility companies to close roads for weeks/months at a time, little to no work occurs, signage is poor, and there is no coordination of how multiple closures impacts overall traffic. Some noted examples lately include Broadway from Truman to SW Blvd, and Wyandotte from RM to Loews where they have been running new lines for the hotel.

Here's the thing, I walk, it impacts me less than most but it does impact visitors to downtown, commuters, bus lines, and as a "downtown guy" I hear about it constantly from people. It makes downtown unnecessarily complex to get around in.

Some solutions
* Higher fees for any closure. Escalates they want it closed over two weeks, etc.
* Close only when needed. When that comes to Bartle, only during times of high foot traffic. When that's construction, use plates properly placed on the street
* Work with Cordish on being realistic with the closures of Grand. Closing it to let Z-Trip be the pickup of choice is insanity. If it's for time of arena high foot traffic, see bullet #2.
* Any requested closure goes through traffic modeling compared to all current closures.
* Inspect closures for proper signage and detouring

Re: Closing Streets for events/construction

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 10:52 am
by scooterj
Perfect example was this past weekend when Cordish had Grand closed for what, 3 days, for the rodeo. I'm sure there were times it was needed, but every time I was around there on Friday and Saturday it was a ghost town apart from a handful of kids and 60-year-olds using the closed off street as a rental scooter play area.

Re: Closing Streets for events/construction

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 12:16 pm
by KCPowercat
Exactly. Unnecessary.

Re: Closing Streets for events/construction

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 1:48 pm
I have always said that, even when I lived there. Closing Grand makes downtown feel even more dead and if cars can't easily reach the area, I can't see how it's helping the P&L district. Close it after events for less than an hour. Not even before events as it's not needed. Only after when the arena is emptying out. Capital One Arena does this. Create a very wide crosswalk (signal it if you have to) between the arena and the P&L district. Shutting Grand down for hours or days as a time is completely asinine.