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Battle of Westport

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 8:05 pm
by KCDevin
I thought it would be interesting to some of you who live, shop and work in the plaza if you knew the size of that battle.
It was the biggest Civil War battle west of the Mississippi. Approx. 1500 soldiers died for the Union and Confederacy.
However the Confederacy lost 2,000 more troops due to capture.
Federal troops were based just north of Brush Creek in what is now the Country Club Plaza just south of St. Lukes Hospital.
Confederate Troops (Army of Missouri) camped south of what is now loose park.
Even more federal troops were east of the Confederates possibly near Brookside Boulevard and Brush Creek.
Here is a map of the battle:
and here a painting of the battle:
So while we shop in the Plaza we forget that on October 23rd 1864 3,000+ men lost their lives.
It ended up to be a decisive for the Union.
Also, a mile or so north a smaller town called the Town of Kansas was having its share of troubles and growing at a slow pace.
But then a few years later the Town of Kansas gains a rail bridge called the Hannibal Bridge. Following that it had one of the largest population booms in the US.
A decade or so after the Hannibal Bridge the Town of Kansas (now Kansas City) annexed Westport.

Battle of Westport

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 9:28 pm
by QueSi2Opie
Devin, I'm proud that someone your age has such an interest in history. It's awesome to imagine what took place in this region! Have you seen the film Ride With The Devil yet?

Battle of Westport

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 10:25 am
by tat2kc
I grew up in the deep south, surrounded by civil war battlefields and monuments. It has always surprised me that KC did not do more to recognize the history in the westport area regarding the civil war, or even the Lewis and Clark expidition or the westward expansion trails that started here. Other than Sante-cali-gon days (or however its spelled) there is not a big public awareness of the pivitol history that this region has played in US history.

Battle of Westport

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 10:34 am
by KCPowercat
I kind of wish Kansas City would have been named Westport. Off topic I know.

Fort existed near Central and W. 10th

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 3:24 am
by FangKC
Another little-known fact is that a Union fort existed downtown approximately at the intersection of Central and W. 10th St.; and a predecessor to the Coates House (on the same site) was used to treat injured Union troops.

Battle of Westport

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:03 pm
by TheDude
i say we all get together for a re-enactment and camp out in loose park. heard G2G and Zonk have matching buckskin.