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Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:06 am
by KCMax
Kevin Collison: Downtown needs larger police presence

Why is this important?

I recently visited Minneapolis, a city that’s probably a decade ahead of Kansas City in making key investments to keep its downtown lively. There was news about the Vikings buying property to build a new downtown stadium, following the example of the Minnesota Twins.

But there was also an alarm bell about growing problems with security.

People were being harassed by panhandlers, petty drug dealers and street punks. The City Council approved an aggressive new anti-panhandling ordinance. The county legislature authorized $470,000 to pay for sheriff’s deputies to help patrol downtown.

Sam Grabarski, the president of the Minneapolis Downtown Council, said there are real economic development consequences to letting street crime get out of hand — two big downtown businesses may not renew their leases if problems continue.

Block E, a Minneapolis entertainment retail block developed a few years ago that includes a Hard Rock Café, already has lost several tenants.

“Some of our investments are suffering,” Grabarski said.

He suggested that Kansas City take the matter of managing street behavior seriously.

“Part of the role of the business community is to act up for their own benefit and get the strictest law enforcement we can get,” he said.


Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:36 am
by Maitre D
KCMax wrote: I recently visited Minneapolis, a city that’s probably a decade ahead of Kansas City in making key investments to keep its downtown lively. There was news about the Vikings buying property to build a new downtown stadium, following the example of the Minnesota Twins.

I stopped reading here.

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:51 am
by DaveKCMO
He suggested that Kansas City take the matter of managing street behavior seriously.
... and they had better be on foot, bike, or horse. honestly, i'm not sure why the place won't be covered in surveillance cameras. why wouldn't you have top-notch security on a billion dollar investment?

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:31 am
by Mr. Fantasy
I was in Minneapolis in 2003 following the Royals during their race for the AL Central.  I noticed a pretty decent police presence, we were right across the street from the Target Center.  The police were on horseback.

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:18 pm
by rosedalian
This wasn't downtown, but I saw some bike cops last Thursday around 11 a.m. on Main about 33rd.  I didn't know we still had bike cops.

The article gave me pause...  I feel pretty comfortable riding my bike around the crossroads at all hours of the night, but I never thought about not having any cops within 20 blocks...

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:51 pm
by loftguy
As we talk with city council people, the mayor, police of rank, and other civic officials, we must state our concern that there is not a greater number of police officers in the downtown area.

Chief Corwin has stated that the police are positioned in response to crime reports, not to PREVENT crime.  He has further gone on record stating that the police force has no plans to implement greater presence in anticipation of the crowds attracted to the opening of the Power and Light District and the Sprint arena. 

Scares the bejeebers out of me.

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:53 pm
by ShowMeKC
Hmm, and we wonder why there is a large crime problem in parts of the city.

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:56 pm
by dangerboy
This should also be a priority for the DNA, as it is for every other neighborhood association in the city.  Most neighborhood presidents have the cell phone number for the patrol officers in their neighborhood, and it usually works better than 911.

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:00 pm
by ignatius
Very disturbing that they are not in the biz to prevent crime.  The Chief should be immediately let go for that comment.  The Star should be all over that and embarrass the hell out of him.

There do need to be many more pedestrian/bicycle cops.  The CID people are doing their jobs.  The police should be embarrassed by that.  There especially needs to be more foot/bike cops out after 5pm.  I'd also like to see foot/bike patrol on 39th/Main to Broadway area.

In some cities, they have unmarked cops as some of the street food vendors.

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:25 pm
by mean
I'd like to see magical crime fairies appear to smash out crime wherever it appears! Unfortunately we can't afford those, either.

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:29 pm
by dangerboy
ignatius wrote: Very disturbing that they are not in the biz to prevent crime.  The Chief should be immediately let go for that comment.  The Star should be all over that and embarrass the hell out of him.
All he is saying is that the police focus crime patrols and other crime prevention efforts on areas that actually have crime.  If crime does spike Downtown then the police will shift resources there.  Kevin Collison repeatedly writing about the same 2-3 break-ins does not constitute a spike in crime.

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:33 pm
by mean
But, but, but! We need horseback cops with guns and flamethrowers to protect us from Cheeseburger Jerry!

I can have it my way? Flame-broil Jerry, plz.

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:22 pm
by phna
With the billions and billions in investment--the developers should pay for their own security. I want more police presence in my neighborhood.

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:28 pm
by DaveKCMO
phna wrote: With the billions and billions in investment--the developers should pay for their own security. I want more police presence in my neighborhood.
it will trickle down!


Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:32 pm
by WinchesterMysteryHouse
loftguy wrote:
Chief Corwin has stated that the police are positioned in response to crime reports, not to PREVENT crime.  He has further gone on record stating that the police force has no plans to implement greater presence in anticipation of the crowds attracted to the opening of the Power and Light District and the Sprint arena. 
At least Corwin's honest about the KCPD philosophy.

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:39 pm
by anniewarbucks
Here in Topeka we have an organization called CPC (Citizens Patroll Coalition). They are the eyes and ears of the Topeka Police Department. Their job is mainly to report on crime as it happens. My parents are members of this organization and I am hoping to become a member of it when the next class is. Having people like this helps the police out by reporting on crime. these individuals have helped officers cut down on crime, prostitution and drug use. They would be a good addition to the KC police force to patrol the downtown.

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:22 pm
by KCPowercat
The issue won't be the P&L will be the surrounding downtown attracts people, it will attract criminals as well....the PD will need to focus on surrounding areas.

Cordish should focus on what the Plaza has done on this subject if they want to have a successful areas.

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 11:55 am
by Gretz
It seems to me like most of the CBD is patrolled so heavily by rent-a-cops that police foot patrols after hours would be a waste of time.  Bike/foot patrols are good where there is a high density of crime, like along 39th or something, but it would take a lot of cops to effectively patrol DT on foot at night and very little crime occurs anyway.  Cops in cars can respond much more quickly to a larger area.  Seems like they could scrape together two cars for the entire area, though.  If it picks up they'll shift resources, but for now it seems logical to keep more resources in the wild wild east where they're needed. 

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:03 pm
by aknowledgeableperson
Granted, the DT area does need a larger police presence but then so do many other areas of the city.  Maybe it is time for a larger police force, move officers from administrative duties to patrol work, and have a larger civilian workforce.

Re: Downtown needs larger police presence

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:16 pm
by DaveKCMO
Gretz wrote: It seems to me like most of the CBD is patrolled so heavily by rent-a-cops that police foot patrols after hours would be a waste of time.
try getting those rent-a-cops to worry about anything else than their own building. and even though the CID swears they patrol east of grand, it still leaves something to be desired.

regardless, i'm not saying that the CBD is the only place foot patrols should be used, just that it would improve the likelihood that pedestrians (esp. residents) would be more courageous venturing out alone.

although, nothing beats pure ignorance... just check out the skillsUSA kids in town this week brazenly walking all around the loop after hours without chaparones! they must be nuts!  &&&