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Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:23 am
by tat2kc
there are several retail projects along Grand that are stumbling right now due to parking issues. Willies is one of 4 or 5 places that are having problems. 

Late Night Theatre is a crossroads treasure. No there has ever, ever suggested that I park in the Star parking lots.  I've been to most shows over the last 2 years or so. Why would they? They have a small venue, and there are more than enough street parking spaces to handle the small number of cars for folks attending a show. I've also never seen "drunks" attending  a show. Incuding the New Year's Eve show and party.

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:00 pm
by DaveKCMO
while they may be waiting on parking issues to be resolved, i walked by willie's a few days ago and peeked inside... nowhere near to being ready. no flooring, no ceiling, wires hanging from ceiling.

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 3:19 pm
by LenexatoKCMO
Looks like they have papered over the windows from the inside - so maybe they are ready to get back to work.

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:19 am
by warwickland
i see activity going on here now, working on exterior, etc.

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:53 am
by tat2kc
suppoosed to open in a week or so.

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:48 pm
by KCLofts
tat2kc wrote: suppoosed to open in a week or so.
I'd say another 2-3 weeks from now at least, judging by what I saw today.  It appears they have a great deal of the interior construction completed.  All of the finishing is required.  Also, there are currently no windows, so I assume those will be coming in soon.

One observation - this place is small! Probably smaller than the Cashew.  The bar looks to only take up the front third of the space.  Don't know if there is going to be some kind of back room, or if the rest is taken up by the kitchen and restrooms.

On a somewhat related note, Cheesehead's Sandwiches, being done by the same group, also has interior construction going on now.

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:37 pm
by Beermo
KCLofts wrote: I'd say another 2-3 weeks from now at least, judging by what I saw today.  It appears they have a great deal of the interior construction completed.  All of the finishing is required.  Also, there are currently no windows, so I assume those will be coming in soon.

One observation - this place is small! Probably smaller than the Cashew.  The bar looks to only take up the front third of the space.  Don't know if there is going to be some kind of back room, or if the rest is taken up by the kitchen and restrooms.

On a somewhat related note, Cheesehead's Sandwiches, being done by the same group, also has interior construction going on now.
no windows. really? mmmm.

anyway, it is a small place, but they told me that they have a huge basement.

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:40 pm
by LenexatoKCMO
Beermo wrote: no windows. really? mmmm.

anyway, it is a small place, but they told me that they have a huge basement.
Are the pool tables going to be in the basement?  Or was the "pool house" part inaccurate? 

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:51 pm
by Beermo
LenexatoKCMO wrote: Are the pool tables going to be in the basement?  Or was the "pool house" part inaccurate? 
i was told they would have a bunch of pool tables and t.v.'s. i don't know where they are gonna put them.

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 9:21 am
by leaf
if it's anything like the Willie's in Columbia, it will be less like a billiards hall and more like a generic sports bar with a few pool tables.  i'm sure they'll have space for that.  the columbia willie's isn't very big either.

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:38 pm
by LenexatoKCMO
Looks like this joint is ready to open any day now.  They had furniture and what not inside when I walked by the other day and it looked like they were getting everything polished up.  It would appear that they will have Cashew-style garage doors for the windows. 

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:40 pm
by chrizow
LenexatoKCMO wrote: Looks like this joint is ready to open any day now.  They had furniture and what not inside when I walked by the other day and it looked like they were getting everything polished up.  It would appear that they will have Cashew-style garage doors for the windows. 


like i just posted in the car-free-Plaza thread, i think this is important, and almost as good as sidewalk seating.

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 6:10 pm
by KCPowercat
I saw the sign lit up last night....I see a lot of good things coming from that area of grand.

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:40 pm
by Beermo
chrizow wrote:

like i just posted in the car-free-Plaza thread, i think this is important, and almost as good as sidewalk seating.
that is going to be the worst fucking place to sit at any bar. do you know how many cars and buses and trucks and semi's and everything else drive right next to this place. it's gridlock from about 3pm to 7 or so. i watch all the traffic build up every day and drive past that place from my work area. every day. plus the bums i would not be surprised if someone doesn't drive into within the first month.

i actually do love the smell of diesel in the morn. reminds me of the farm when i was a kid.

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:51 pm
by KCPowercat
Beermo wrote: that is going to be the worst fucking place to sit at any bar. do you know how many cars and buses and trucks and semi's and everything else drive right next to this place. it's gridlock from about 3pm to 7 or so. i watch all the traffic build up every day and drive past that place from my work area. every day. plus the bums i would not be surprised if someone doesn't drive into within the first month.
I'd love to sit there drinking watching all the lemings scurring home.....could there be a better sign for living/playing downtown than that?

Bums seem to shy away when actual life comes to a neighborhood so I wouldn't worry about that.

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:36 am
by chrizow
i find it hard to believe that the level of traffic/pollutants along Grand is any higher than streets with bars in many other cities.  this area has a ton of potential.

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:57 am
by dangerboy
Grand is a boulevard, shouldn't it have restrictions on truck traffic after all the construction is over?  I don't remember being too bad before the construction...

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:04 am
by macnw
The sights, sounds and the people make downtown. Look at NYC, San Fran, Portland. Everybody sits outside regardless of the noise(s). There's always the Applebee's out there in the hinterlands! :?

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:07 am
by chrizow
exactly.  i've sat outside at bars in st. louis that were basically in an industrial zone.  trucks and exhaust and overpasses everywhere.  it was loud and gross and awesome.  grand is like ward parkway compared to places like that. 

beermo is just being a ninny!

Re: Willie's - Columbia Pool House in the Crossroads

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:08 am
by warwickland
Beermo wrote: that is going to be the worst fucking place to sit at any bar. do you know how many cars and buses and trucks and semi's and everything else drive right next to this place. it's gridlock from about 3pm to 7 or so. i watch all the traffic build up every day and drive past that place from my work area. every day.
could this heavy traffic not be currently influenced by the fact that grand is restricted and also one of few through streets in the area? perhaps rush hour traffic on grand would lesson to an extent once other roads are re-opened.

in addition, there is a giant ass arena + a District being built, with giant ass vehicles blasting around that will eventually go away.

besides, the time when many people would be at willies is a time of day when traffic has greatly calmed on grand.

behold: the triumverate argument.  :)
chrizow wrote: exactly.  i've sat outside at bars in st. louis that were basically in an industrial zone.  trucks and exhaust and overpasses everywhere.  it was loud and gross and awesome.  grand is like ward parkway compared to places like that. 
i was sitting at sidewalk cafes in milwaukee in an environment nearly identical to what grand will be like once the arena is finished, and it was just fine.