
Transportation topics in KC
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Post by staubio »

I found out some info that gave working in sprawl-land a little more refreshing today.

Sprint is launching a program that will feature bikes strewn at locations on campus. An employee can pick up a bike and ride it to a meeting, lunch or home overnight. When done, the bikes are returned to their denoted locations for reuse.

I talked with a woman involved with the program. She said they got a lot of bikes from Bikes and Trikes for Tykes that were donated. Since B&TforT doesn't do adult bikes, they had no use for them. This program took them, cleaned them up, painted them greed and put Sprint Go Green signs on them.

All in all, I'm very impressed with this move. Too bad they located in a mostly bicycle hostile area in the first place. I hope they get used. I know I'll use them. On the occasions I drive to work, I can run errands or get lunch on the bike. Even if I ride, I'll probably use these so I don't have to take out my bike.

We'll see if it takes off.
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Post by rxlexi »

a good example of yet another reason I wish Sprint had either stayed near the old location in Fairway or moved into the core. I don't think they're a particularly HORRIBLE company, and they certainly do bring a huge amount of economic benefit to their surrounding area, as well as the occasional civic minded sponsorship or good idea (like this one). An idea like this could really take off in the city, or even in Fairway, but at the current campus location in the very heart of car-culture-KC I don't see it having a huge effect.
are we spinning free?
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